RANKO ½ --------- Volume 1 "The New Boy" Part 1: "He's cute" The birds are chirping in the trees and above the roofs of Nerima, Tokyo. The Postcard says "Bringing Ranma from China. Saotome." It is addressed to Tendou Souun, living at the Tendou Dojo in Nerima. The man reading the card is tall, dark and wears a moustache. His hands shake as he holds the message near his heart and tears stream down his face. He is Tendou Souun, the addressee of the card and his wishes have finally come true. Souun: Ranma coming here? Oh how I've waited for this day. Soon his voice can be heard ringing through the home of the Tendou family. Souun: Nabiki. Kasumi. Akane. [pause] Akane? Where is that girl? Souun is walking through the house gathering his daughters Kasumi and Nabiki. He finds Nabiki in her room reading and her elder sister Kasumi is in the Kitchen preparing a water melon, but Akane, the youngest daughter, is nowhere to be found. ~*~ Girl: I'm ho-o-ome! A beautiful, athletic girl in running gear is just entering the dojo. Running down the hall with her long hair streaming behind her, she throws of her jogging clothes without slowing down, grabs a gi, ties it and begins stacking building bricks. Girl: Hyaaah! She splits the bricks with her hand in an effective display of skill and power. A smile spreads on her face. She sighs and wipes the sweat from her brow. Girl: Aaah. That was nice. Nabiki: [entering from behind] There you go again, Akane. No wonder all the boys think you're weird. Akane (the girl) smiles a bitter little smile before turning to Nabiki. Akane: [to herself] Hah! I wish. [to Nabiki] What is it, oneechan? Nabiki: Father has received a postcard. Akane frowns at Nabiki's cryptic answer. ~*~ The sun has climbed a little and the sky above the roof of the Tendou dojo is blue and free of clouds. Voices can be heard from inside. Voice: Fiancé? Souun and his daughters are gathered around the table in the living room. The girls are - to say the least - surprised to hear of the information Souun has for them. Nabiki has raised an eyebrow in disapproval, Kasumi looks worried and Akane wears an unmistakable scowl. Kasumi: Father, you never told us that we have a fiancé. Nabiki: Yeah, but he should have. At least a *little* earlier than this. Akane: Father, how could you? Souun: It is my greatest wish to see the Tendou martial arts school preserved. If one of you could marry my friend's son Ranma and carry on the legacy, I would be so happy. The girls fall silent, considering the obligation their father has just asked them to fulfill. Nabiki: What kind of guy is this Ranma anyway? Handsome? Souun: Ha ha ha! [stops laughing] I have no idea. Today will be the first time I see him, too. Only Kasumi seems to take this revelation in stride. Akane's scowl darkes even more and Nabiki's eyes go wide. Nabiki: [thinks] What century does he think this is? Akane: [thinks] Just. You. Try. ~*~ Boy: HEY! The people on this Tokyo shopping street turn their heads at the shout. A young boy, dripping wet, comes running out of a side alley. Boy: Are you crazy? The onlookers' eyes go wide, as suddenly a large panda follows the boy out onto the street. It seems to chase the youth, but the boy is evading it and shouting back. Boy: Get of my back, pop! You've made some mad plans in your time, but this is ludicrous. I'm not going along with it. Panda: Growf! The animal swipes at the boy with a clawed forepaw. The boy whirls around and assumes a fighting stance. Boy: So, you wanna fight? I'm ready. Amazingly the panda stands up straight and takes a similar, very human pose. He strikes. As the bear's claws through the air, narrowly missing the dodging boy, it becomes clear that a panda may *look* like just so much fat and fur, but it is still a feral, dangerous beast. The boy ducks and weaves left and right, avoiding every strike the panda throws at him. The onlooking people "aaah" and "oooh" as the exchange of blows grows more and more furious. Finally the boy sidesteps one of the Panda's blows and moves in. He grabs the outstretched, furry limb and sends the panda flying with an over-shoulder throw. The panda lands heavily, destroying a streetsign in the process, and does not move anymore. The boy snorts derisively. Boy: I'm not doing it. I.. I'll go back to China, that's what. Yeah, I'll find a way to undo this and then you can find another boy to press into your schemes. He turns to leave. Behind him the Panda rises up and with a calculated blow to the back of the boy's head renders him unconscious. Obviously the animal wasn't all that knocked out. The panda "growf"s at the crowd that has gathered to shoo the witnesses away, shoulders the boy and is on its way. ~*~ Back at the discussion in the Tendou living room Akane is rather upset at what they have just learned and says so. Akane: You promised to marry one of us to some boy that you never even saw?! Souun: Ha ha ha; we will meet him all together when he arrives here with his father. Then we will know. Kasumi: Oh, I hope he is not too young. Younger men are rather boring to me. Akane: You are going along with this? Nabiki: Well, I'm going to check out my potential future iinazuke before I say no. Don't knock him before you know him. Akane stays back while the others file out of the room. Akane: [muttering] All that fuss because of one *boy*. Hmph. Just then there is a knock on the front door and Akane turns her head. Kasumi: [from the Kitchen] Oh my, could that be them already? I have not prepared anything yet. Souun: The date of arrival was today. Oh Genma my old friend I will see you again and Ranma will marry my daughter. Akane: Father! Meanwhile Nabiki has opened the door. Before it stands the boy who was fighting the panda, alone. All the members of the Tendou household crowd in around Nabiki and he looks at them a little embarrassedly. Souun looks like he is about to cry from joy again. Souun: [steps forward] Ar.. Are you...? Boy: Um, Saotome Ranma, yeah. He looks around self-consciously, one hand behind his head, playing nervously with his pigtail. Behind Souun's back Nabiki whispers to Akane Nabiki: Hey, didn't I tell you to wait? Cute city, or what? Akane elbows Nabiki in the ribs, but not very hard. She doesn't take her eyes from Ranma. Akane: [thinks] He *is* cute, though... Souun is standing right before Ranma, with Akane slightly to the back and left of him. From her viewpoint the sun glints right off his hair, giving him a certain glow. Ranma wears a chinese- looking outfit, consisting of a buttoned, short-sleeved, black shirt, a pair of equally dark pants that are tied off at the ankles with small, red ribbons. There is a red cloth belt around his waist. All three girls let their gaze wander over him and they seem to like what they see. Ranma is gorgeous. At last, Souun breaks the silence. Souun: Where is Genma, my old friend? Ranma: Uh, he's around here, too. He might be at the back door. Right at that moment sounds emanate from the kitchen. Suddenly the door shifts open, and a man with glasses and a scarf covering his head emerges. There seem to be some wisps of steam around him, but they evaporate quickly. Man: Souun! Souun: Genma! My heart leaps with joy. You have brought Ranma and the promise will be fulfilled. Genma (the man): Uh, Yes! Ranma: [Suddenly rather grumpy] Yeah, the *promise*. Kasumi approaches the two crying men facing each other. Kasumi: Father, don't you want to invite your friends in for tea? ~*~ Everybody is sitting at the low table in the living room, drinking tea and eating the little things that Kasumi has apparently created out of thin air. The children look rather bored with the old men's reminiscences. Kasumi turns to Ranma. Kasumi: So, you were in China? Ranma: Uh, yeah, on a training trip to Ju.. some old Chinese Training ground. Pop has been training me in the martial arts ever since we... left home, years ago. Nabiki: Hey, if that's so, why don't you and Akane work out a bit? Akane: No! Err, I mean why should we? Nabiki: [nods towards the fathers] Don't tell me you are not bored. [thinks] And it would do you good to interact with a boy *without* breaking his bones. Even if it has to be a sparring session. Akane: Oh, OK. She flashes Ranma a little smile. Akane: Let's go, then. [thinks] At least he doesn't seem too bad. Ranma smiles back, thankful and relieved; perhaps even a bit hopeful. ~*~ The Practice hall of the dojo is a big wooden room with some seats alongside one wall and even a few pictures on the wall. Voices filter in from the outside. Akane's Voice: So. You've trained Kempo, right? Ranma' Voice: Yes, some. The door shifts open and the two enter the hall. Akane: Then let's have a little match, OK? Ranma: Huh? Akane: Just for fun. I won't hurt you. Ranma: [shrugs] OK. Akane assumes a fighting stance while Ranma just stands and watches with his hands behind his back. Akane runs up to him and makes the first strike - into thin air. Ranma has jumped straight up. Without a pause Akane presses on with a high kick after him, but it also fails to connect. Ranma has dodged in mid-air. This repeats for the next few blows - Akane attacks and Ranma dodges. Akane: What's wrong? Swing at me. Again she fails to score any hit. Ranma just isn't where her blows fall. Akane: [thinks] Why can't I seem to get through his defense? Is he reading my moves? She looks at Ranma who is standing in the same position as before, awaiting her next attack. She sets her jaw. Akane: [thinks] All right. Let's see him dodge me when I'm doing it... *for real*! She launches another attack, putting everything she has into it. Ranma barely evades her approaching fist and vaults over Akane whose fist punches a hole into the dojo wall. Ranma touches her lightly on the back of her head as he lands softly behind her. Akane looks stunned. Slowly she turns around, a look of seething rage on her face. Ranma: Uh.. um, well.. a-heh... Just then Kasumi pokes her head in. Kasumi: Oh, Ranma, if you are finished, would you come over for a moment? Ranma: [thinks] Whew, saved by the bell. [out loud] Sure, Kasumi. [to Akane] Later, Akane, thanks for the match. You were great. He flashes her a slightly nervous smile and hurries out after Kasumi. They walk down the hall together. Kasumi: You won? Oh dear, Akane will not like that. She takes losing a little hard. And you are a *boy*, too. Ranma: What does that mean? Why does it matter that I, uh, that I'm a boy? Kasumi: Oh, you'll see tomorrow, when you go to school. Ranma: [thinks] School...? [out loud] Err, where are we going? Kasumi: To the bath, of course. You must have worked up quite a sweat. Ranma: Well, actually... Err, I mean thanks. ~*~ In the practice room an indignant Akane talks with Nabiki. Akane: I still can't believe it. He didn't even seem to make an effort - [smiles grimly] except that last time. [sags] But he dodged even that one. Nabiki: Come on, sis. It's not as if the world is ending because you didn't win for once. Tell you what: the bath is ready, why don't you take one? You know that relaxes you. Akane: Hmph. Well, all right, thanks oneechan. She gets up and heads in the direction where Kasumi led Ranma, leaving Nabiki behind to smile at her back, shaking her head. ~*~ Akane enters the anteroom of the bath with a towel and undresses quickly. Within the bath, on the other side of the door, Ranma is sitting in the steaming water, with the back turned. Only a shadow outlines Ranma's figure. Ranma: [thinks] Should I? Oh, well, they are going to find out anyway. May as well just go out like I am. In the very same moment that Ranma gets out of the tub Akane comes in. A moment goes by. The two just stand and stare at each other. Akane is slightly covered by her towel but Ranma isn't. And there is no mistaking that Ranma is clearly female. She looks smaller than before as a boy and is *definitely* more curved, but the face and hairstyle are almost identical. Akane finds her voice back first. Akane: Who are you? What are you doing in our bath? Ranma: Uh, Akane.. I can explain... Akane: I bet you can. Get out of there at once. And get dressed! Akane leans back out of the door and calls out. Akane: Father! Kasumi, Nabiki. Come here everyone! The others (including Genma) arrive. Nabiki: Akane, what is it? Akane: I surprised a stranger in our bath! Kasumi: How strange. Ranma was in the bath just now. In the same moment the female comes from the bath. She's wearing Ranma's Chinese clothing and with her pony-tail the similarity to the male Ranma can not be overlooked. Girl: Um, I *am* Ranma. Sorry 'bout this. The others look on speechless. -- End of part 1. Part 2: "He wants Akane" The sky above Nerima, Tokyo is beginning to darken - soon night will fall. At the Tendou Dojo, in a room with a big sliding wall that is open to the garden, the Tendou family has gathered. Their houseguests Saotome Genma and Ranma are here. The Tendou girls sit opposite of the Saotomes, their father Souun is sitting a bit to the side talking. Souun: I'll explain it once more. This is my old friend Saotome Genma and his son Ranma... Nabiki: [poking the clearly female Ranma in the breast] Only that "he" is *not*. Ranma: [blushing] Could you stop that? Akane: Now come on! You won't change the fact that she's a girl by repeating again and again that she's his "son". Kasumi: This is so confusing. I was sure she was a real boy before. Taller, too. Souun: Ha ha ha, he *is* a real boy. Genma: [frowns in concentration] Hmmmm, how can I best explain this? Ah, yes... Suddenly in one swift move he flips the girl "Ranma" backwards out of the wall opening. She flies directly into the little koi pond behind the house. Ranma: Hey! A few bubbles burst at the surface, then Ranma emerges coughing and spitting water. He is taller than just a moment ago and has lost all female attributes. Ranma: What on earth did you do that for?! A look of astonishment crosses the girls' faces. Nabiki: N...? Kasumi: Now he's a boy! Genma: [crying] Oh what a tragic fate that my son must still endure this condition after all these years. The dripping wet, male Ranma suddenly stands besides him, looking angry. Ranma: There wouldn't be any "tragic condition" without your stubbornness. Before Genma can move Ranma has already kicked him into the same pond with a flying leap. The others look even more shocked when up comes a big furry panda. Kasumi: Father... How do you know these people? Souun: They were not like this before. Not before they went to China on that training trip... ~*~ Some time later, Genma has changed back into a human being in the hot bath and tells the tale of the tragedy. Genma: Ah, yes. It was six fateful months ago... Flashback to China, six months earlier. There is a mountain range in the distance, in the foreground there are some bamboo sticks but the picture does not show the ground yet at this angle. A plain, stocky man in Chinese clothing points something out. Genma (voiceover): ... at the foot of Mt. Quanjing in the Bayankala range in the province of Qinghai. Chinese Guide: Here, honourable visitor. The legendary training ground of accursed springs: Jusenkyou. From a different point of view the Jusenkyou plains become visible from high above. The ground is covered in hundreds of small pools with Bamboo sticks in them. Genma, Ranma and the guide are little, indistinct figures at the border of the area. They are making their way weaving back and forth between the pools. Genma (voiceover): I had heard of the legendary Training ground from a Chinese book about martial arts. It was reportedly very famous, but knowing too little Chinese I did not grasp what these springs are legendary *for*. The two white figures jump in the air and balance on the Bamboo footholds above the springs while the grey clothed figure of the guide frantically waves it's arms. Genma (voiceover): Too late came the warnings of our guide, the tragedy was already under way. The two figures of Genma and Ranma collide in mid-air and the smaller one, apparently Ranma, falls into the pool beneath. Genma (voiceover): The Nyanniichuan. There is a very tragic legend that one thousand and five hundred years ago a young girl drowned there and since that day everybody who falls into the spring... From a closer view of the spring one can see the ripples on the water. Bubbles arise, then hair, and the head of the female Ranma breaks the surface. Genma (voiceover): ... turns into a girl. Ranma (voiceover): Hey, wait a minute! The flashback ends. Back in the Tendou living quarters Ranma has interrupted Genma's tale. Ranma: You are turning the whole thing around. That wasn't the Nyanniichuan... Genma: [frantically trying to shut him up] Shhh! Shhh! Ranma: ... it was the *Nan*niichuan - The spring of the drowned boy. And I didn't just fall in by... [points at Genma angrily] You kicked me in on purpose! Genma: [shouts] I told you it was an accident! Ranma: [shouts back] And *I* told you where you can shove that lie! You knew exactly what was going to happen, when we fought on those damn poles. You *planned* it all up front. [grabs Genma's shirtfront] Why were you suddenly so keen on training at once, when that guide began telling the legend of Jusenkyou, huh? Afraid that I might ask him what the pool before us was called? Afraid I would see through through your little plan? Damn, I shoulda known you were up to no good from the start, you miserable old- Suddenly a stream of steaming water splatters on Ranma's head and he is female again. Disgusted she lets go of her father's shirt, who angrily straightens it. Akane, with a kettle in her hand, is standing behind the Girl-Ranma. Akane: Ah, so that's it. Your father turns into a panda with cold and back with hot water. You turn into a girl with hot water, so that's your true form, Ranma? Ranma: [obviously relieved] Yes. Um, actually my name is Ran*ko*. I just call myself Ranma when I'm a boy. It's easier that way. Akane: [to Genma, fuming] And you threw her in on purpose?! Kasumi: Whatever made you do something like that? Nabiki: Yeah, that goes to far, even for martial arts training. Genma: But I had to! How else could he marry one of you? Silence falls. After some long moments Akane speaks first. Akane: What did you just say? Genma: When Ranko was born female, even though the stars had foretold a boy, the vow of marriage had already be made. What could I do to save our family honour? Souun: [with tearful eyes] What dedication. Despite this tragedy you found a way to solve the problem. Akane: N...? Undaunted by the fact that obviously he is the only one who sees it that way, Souun empties a bucket of cold water over Ranko who instantly turns male. Ranma: Dowa! Souun: So, with cold water you become a man... Ha ha ha, then your problem isn't so terrible after all. [pats Ranma on the back] My daughter Kasumi, nineteen - and Nabiki, seventeen - and Akane, sixteen... While Kasumi remains outwardly calm, she tugs at a lock of hair, thus betraing her inner turmoil. Nabiki looks at her father impassively, secure in the knowledge that she is able to counter and squirm out of any crazy scheme that her father cooks up. Akane, on the other hand, looks right at Ranma in an almost hostile fashion, as if *daring* him to offend her. Souun: Pick the one you want. She's your fiancée. Without a moment's hesitation Kasumi and Nabiki look at each other and speak up. Kasumi: Oh, he wants Akane! Nabiki: [pushes Akane forward a step] Yes, definitely! Akane: What are you talking about? Akane is not quite as convinced of this as her sisters seem to be. Nabiki steps nearer and talks reasonably to her. Nabiki: Well, you hate boys, don't you? Akane: Uh... Kasumi: So you're in luck. Since he's half-girl, he sounds like the *perfect* fiancé for you. Akane: You've got to be kidding. Sure, I like girls better than boys, but not to the point of *marrying* one! Souun: But he is a boy now. Akane: *She* may have the body of a boy half of the time, [waves her arm at Ranma's body] but that's only since six months ago - She grew up as a girl. Ranma coughs embarrassedly. Ranma: Umm, actually... ~*~ Again, a little while later. The wind-chime in the window s softly. In the living room Akane sits, shocked at what Ranma has just told them. Akane: You mean... The whole time...? Ranma: Yes, soon after I was born he started dressing me as a boy and called me Ranma. I grew up as a boy practically from day one. Kasumi: [sympathetically] How horrible. You poor thing, that must have been hard to endure. Ranma gives her a lopsided grin. Ranma: Well, not too horrible, actually. It was kinda fun in the beginning, acting like a boy and playing with boys all the time. Later when I grew up my body was harder to hide, but we managed and it didn't seem *that* strange to me anymore. Akane: Not even being engaged to a girl?! Ranma: Well, when I was old enough to comprehend that, I kinda figured the old man had flipped when I was born and I was just humoring him by playing along. Genma: Hey! Ranma: But I never thought that he would do something *that* crazy. Souun: [claps him on the back] Well, it doesn't matter anymore how you got here, the important thing is that our families' honour is saved by your engagement to Akane. Akane: Wait a moment! I don't care what you two madmen have cooked out, I'm not marrying this fluke of nature. Ranma: Hey! I'm not exactly thrilled about this either, but could you at least leave the insults out? Souun and Genma seem very happy about their argument. Souun: Ha ha ha, they already sound like a married couple. Akane: She's a couple all by herself. Ranma: That does it! You guys can dicuss this all you like - *I'm* in the bathroom continuing my interrupted bath. You can speak to me again when you're back on this planet! He angrily stamps out of the room. Everyone stares after him. ~*~ In Akane's room Akane is sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up, hugging them defiantly. Nabiki lies considerably more relaxed beside her, leafing lazily through a manga. Akane: [mutters] What a jerk. Nabiki: [looks up] Ranma was right, you know? You insulted him when you were really angry with father and Mr. Saotome. Akane: She! Ran*ko* is a girl. No matter what you all say. Nabiki: [shrugs] All right, then you insulted *her*. Doesn't change a thing about the fact that you were unfair and hurtful. She returns her attention to the manga. Akane: [slumps tiredly] I was, wasn't I? You think I should apologize? Nabiki: Yup. Akane: [getting up] All right, then I will. [pauses] Thanks, Nabiki. Nabiki: [looks up; smiles] Hey, what is a big sisters there for if not for helping you. Akane: [grins] I thought they were there to bug me all day. Nabiki: Bugging you *and* helping you, then. [shoos her out the door] Akane walks down the hall in the direction of the bath. Akane: [thinks] I'm going to apologize that I was so mean to her when I was really upset about our fathers. That's what I'll do. Determinedly she opens the Bathroom door. Inside is Ranma. He is not in the hot tub, but dripping cold water and definitely male. He is so surprised by Akane's entrance that he doesn't even think to cover his nakedness with the bucket in his hand. Ranma: A-Akane... I... Akane just stares as Ranma's naked male body registers with her. Ranma does not notice this and takes a step towards her. Ranma: Akane? ~*~ The Tendou Dojo lies under the dark sky of the beginning night. Birds that had already settled down in the trees take to flight, as a loud sound rings out. ~*~ Ranko is lying on a futon in the house's guest room with a wet towel on her brow. She opens her eyes. Kasumi and Genma are sitting by her side. Kasumi: Are you okay? Don't think too badly of Akane. She is really a very sweet girl. She's just a violent maniac. Genma: That girl has spunk! The perfect fiancée for you, eh? Ranko: [exasperated] Shut up, pop. Out on the porch beyond the dividing shoji sit Akane and Nabiki. Even though Akane has turned her back, she seems a little flustered. Nabiki: But *you* were the one who said that she was really a girl, no matter what. Akane: Shut up, sis. -- End of part 2. Part 3: "I hate men" It is another fine day over Tokyo. The birds are singing and the sky is cloudless. At the Tendou Dojo Ranma is looking a little forlorn. Ranma: So I have to go to school again? He is sitting in the guest room with his father. He doesn't seem to be very thrilled by these news. Genma: Well, we *are* going to be staying a while. Nabiki looks into the room from outside through the open sliding wall. Nabiki: It's the same school that Akane and I go to. We'll see you there. Akane who is wearing the same school uniform as Nabiki comes running and calls out to her sister. Akane: Nabiki, wait! I'll go with you. Nabiki: What are you talking about? You should walk with Ranma. After all he's your fiancé. Akane: Technically. She and Ranma stare at each other. ~*~ Nevertheless Akane and Ranma are walking to school together. Ranma is walking alongside Akane on top of a fence that separates the street from a canal. Akane ignores this. Akane: We're not going to get married, you know! Ranma: You're tellin' *me*? Akane: So don't hang around me in school. Ranma: Jeez, you're acting as if this craziness was *my* idea! We're in this together. Don't worry; If you keep up the "I hate you, I hate you" routine you won't see me coming near you. Suddenly Genma appears. He, too, is running along the top of the fence and hits Ranma over the head. Ranma: Pop! What're you... Genma: I went through a lot of pain to get you two together. Now listen, Ranma, I'll tell you only once... Ranma kicks Genma off the fence and into the water canal. When he resurfaces as a Panda, Ranma taunts him. Ranma: You were *saying* something? Something about pain *you* went through? The angry Panda jumps out of the canal and over the fence, forcing Ranma and Akane to run. Soon they leave the animal behind them. When the panda finally gives up the chase, Ranma stops and turns to look after him. Ranma: Ha! We lost him. His legs're too short. One problem less. Exactly in that moment a stream of steaming water hits his head from above. ~*~ On a balcony above the street a tea kettle lies on its side, now empty. Inside, a family is having breakfast. A little child has apparently kicked the tea-kettle outside and the water has emptied out to the street below. The father scolds the little girl. Father: Chiya! Don't be so wild! The water in the kettle was *hot* - you could have hurt someone. ~*~ On the street below stands a dejected-looking, wet Ranko. Akane comes up to her. Akane: Hey, Ranko, what's wrong? Ranko: I think I'll go take a cold shower. Akane: [raises a brow] You'll be late. Ranko: Well, I can't go like this! Akane: [confused] Why not? Ranko: Pop has registered me with the school office as a *boy*! I don't wanna start school with problems right away. [quieter, to herself] Besides, I promised. It's not clear whether Akane heard the last sentence. She responds. Akane: If you come late, you'll start school with problems, too. Come on, let's get some water for you. ~*~ The two stand at the front of a private clinic. The sign at the corner advertises the doctor's skills in Acupuncture, Acupressure and Moxibustion. Akane is at the door speaking to a woman while Ranko leans against the wall at the corner, out of sight. Woman: A bucket of cold water? Sure, just a moment, Akane-chan. Akane: Thank you. Ranko: Hoo boy, whatta way to start the... Suddenly a skeletal hand touches her shoulder. Ranko turns around and looks right into the face of a grinning human skull. She jumps back and falls into a defensive position reflexively. Behind her old position stands a tall bespectacled man in plain black clothes. He is carrying a medical skeleton (it has to be, because *actual* skeletons don't hold together like this without the muscles and tendons :) Man: Oh. Pardon me. Sorry to have startled you. A small smile on his face belies that statement. He holds up the contraption. Man: This is just Betty-chan my skeleton. Without a word, but still staring, Ranko relaxes her defensive stance. Just then Akane arrives with a bucket. Akane: Ranko, here's the cold... Man: Ah, Akane-chan! Akane: [quietly, blushing slightly] Oh, Sensei! She bows politely. Ranko does the same but she looks over at Akane while she does. The Doctor and Betty bow in response. Akane: Good morning! Doctor: Good morning to you. Ranko notices Akane's blushed but happy face. Ranko: [thinks] Hmmm...? Doctor: You haven't been by, lately. No new injuries? Akane: [a little flustered] No, Sensei. I mean... I haven't been doing anything that would... Ranko is standing around the corner turning into Ranma while observing the conversation. Ranma: [thinks] Interesting. ~*~ Later on another street, Ranma and Akane are running along at high speed. Ranma is walking on a fence again. Ranma: Who was that guy? Akane: Dr. Toufuu, the chiropractor. Ranma: Martial arts master, too, isn't he? Akane: Huh? How could you tell? Ranma doesn't answer, but thinks back to his encounter with the doctor and his skeleton. Ranma: [thinks] Sneaking up on me that way... He erased all sense of his presence. [aloud] He surprised me while I was waiting for you. Akane: True, he is very good. But he doesn't *look* like he'd be, does he? [lost in thought] Ever since I was little he has taken care of my injuries. Ranma jumps down from the fence to run beside her. Ranma: So you're making an exception for him. [grins] Akane: Huh? Akane just looks at him without comprehension, so Ranma explains. Ranma: I thought you said you hate men. And he looks pretty male to me. Akane: [with clenched teeth] That's right! I... They are reaching the gates of Fuurinkan High at that moment. Akane: ...*hate*... A voice from the schoolyard shouts. Voice: Hey, there's Tendou Akane! Akane: ...*men*!! Suddenly a storm breaks loose. The doors of the School building slam open and dozens over dozens of boys in fighting and sporting outfits stampede out. Many of them are shouting Akane's name. Boy: Come no closer, Akane! Another Boy: They all want to beat you! Akane jumps high into the air landing right in the middle of the crowd. Akane: Out of my way! I'm *late*! Without a moment's hesitation Akane begins to hack and slice her way through the mob with incredible fierceness and precision. None of the boys needs a second hit to go down. Ranma who has jumped onto the wall of the yard watches in amazement while the boys keep attacking. Boy: I won't let another guy beat you! I'll do it myself! ~*~ Nabiki and some classmates are standing on a balcony of the School building, watching the fight. Girl: Your poor sister. Every single day...! Nabiki: [spies Ranma on the wall] Oh! Ranma! [shouts] Ranma! Get moving and come in! Ranma: [pointing to the battlefield] But... But... Nabiki: Don't worry about Akane. And really - when Ranma looks down again, there are lots of broken weapons and their equally broken owners strewn around a slightly dishevelled-looking Akane. She flicks a strand of hair out of her face. Akane: Yet again. Every morning. It's simply depressing. Just then a voice speaks up and both Akane and Ranma turn to face the speaker. Voice: Truly, such a boorish lot. The speaker is a young man, somewhere around Akane's and Ranma's age, probably a bit older. He is holding a rose in one hand and a wooden Kendo sword in the other. Boy: It appears that each of them intends to ask you out, Akane, should he be the lucky one to defeat you. Akane: [looking annoyed and somewhat bored] Oh, Kunou-sempai, good morning. Gee, I *wonder* what could have given them such a *ridiculous* idea? Kunou: Indeed, they should know by now that they have to bow to their betters. And now, Tendou Akane... He flicks the rose toward Akane who catches it between her fingers. Kunou: ... Will you grant me the honour of a fight with you? Ranma jumps from the wall landing next to Akane. Ranma: Man, you are popular, aren't you? Akane: [still looking at Kunou] Stay out of the way. You'll get hurt. Ranma: [shrugs] What's going on? Akane: [still not turning] You'll see. Suddenly Kunou's bokken swings to point at Ranma. Kunou: You there! You are acting rather familiar with Akane! Ranma and Akane look at each other. They silently decide that the word "fiancée" is not going to appear in the explanation. Ranma: Err, ... Kunou: Who are you, boor? Ah, but it is the custom to give one's own name first. So I will give you mine. Ranma: Um, if you want to... Kunou: My name is Upperclassman Kunou Tatewaki. Captain of the Kendo club. My peers call me "The Blue Thunder" of Fuurinkan high. ~*~ The girls on the balcony are whispering to each other. Girl 1: "Blue Thunder"? Girl 2: Have *you* ever heard that? Nabiki: Nope. News to me. ~*~ Ranma: [unsure of what is expected of him] Um. Well, I'm staying at the Tendou Dojo at the moment... Kunou: What?! Under the same roof as Akane? He swings his bokken at Ranma who dodges and somersaults over the swinging blade. Ranma continues his introduction, taking his school bag off in mid-air. Ranma: I'm heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. He tosses his bag to Akane who stands watching. Ranma: Couldya hold my bag for a sec, please? He lands before Kunou in a fighting stance. Ranma: My name is Saotome Ranma. And I accept your challenge! -- End of part 3. Part 4: "What a way to start school" The sky above Fuurinkan Highschool is full of ominous clouds. Thunder rolls. The balconies of the building are teeming with students of all ages trying to catch a glimpse of what is going on in the yard. Pupil: Hey, someone's fighting Kunou. Pupil 2: Whoa! He must have a deathwish. Kunou Tatewaki and his opponent Saotome Ranma face each other. Kunou's wooden Kendo sword is raised and he is assuming a fighting position. Ranma is unarmed, but nevertheless ready for battle. Kunou: So, you dare hound Akane in her own home? [raises his sword above the head] Kunou Tatewaki shall bring you to justice. Ranma: [touching his cheek in remembrance] "Hounding" is not exactly the word. Akane: Sh... he's only *staying* with us, Kunou. Kunou pays no attention to this. All his attention is fixed on the "offender". Kunou: [to Ranma] Silence, Fool! At this he charges Ranma with the speed of a express train. His enemy in his sights, he brings down the wooden sword with a force that splits the wall where Ranma was standing. But Ranma is already gone. When Kunou notices his miss and looks around he finds Ranma poised against the upper trunk of a tree, waiting to jump away again as soon as gravity notices that something is amiss. Again, Kunou displays his mastery in handling his chosen weapon by slicing the tree in half at the point where Ranma was - just a moment ago. As the upper half of the massacred tree lands, so does Ranma, a few paces from Kunou. He is quite annoyed with Kunou's attitude. Ranma: Now hold on, Kunou. Suddenly he is standing right before Kunou; face to face. Ranma: Let me make something clear... Kunou: N...?! [thinks] This guy is good! Akane: [astonished] Inconceivable! He was there before Kunou could blink! Ranma: There is *nothing* going on between me and Akane. Right, Akane? Akane: Nothing *at* *all*! Akane's forcefulness in confirming this bothers Ranma a little, but he has no time to contemplate what it means, since Kunou swings at him again. Kunou: So, you disdain sweet Akane, scoundrel?! Let *this* teach you respect. He hits only empty air which throws him a little off-balance. Ranma has jumped right up into the air and is now descending upon the older boy with outstretched fingers aiming at his brow. Kunou brings his sword up again. Just as both fighters seem about to connect, Kunou is jerked violently to the side. It is Akane, who jump-kicked him in the head snapping him out of Ranma's path as well as out of the realm of consciousness. She grabs Ranma's hand, as the first drops of rain begin to fall from the black clouds. Akane: Come on. We don't want to be late *and* wet. They leave Kunou flat on his face in the downpour. The last onlookers retreat into the building, talking. Boy: She knocked him out again. Boy 2: Yeah, just like every morning. ~*~ Later in the classroom of the first-year group F. Ranma is introduced to his new classmates. Teacher: Ranma recently arrived back in Japan from China. Although not so recently as to excuse his tardiness in arriving *here*. You and Tendou Akane: Stand in the hall. ~*~ Ranma and Akane are standing in the Hall before their class holding buckets of water. Akane: This is your fault! Ranma: My fault? That was *your* fight. Akane: *I* finish my fights every morning in time before class starts. Ranma: [astonished] Every morning?! What kind of school is this? Akane: It's because of Kunou. He told them that whoever wanted to date me would have to defeat me first. Short flashback of Kunou looking dramatic Kunou: I will permit no other terms! End flashback Ranma: [shaking his head] What a weirdo. And they all are after you? Akane: [angrily] You doubt it? She shifts the grip on her buckets as if to threaten to splash him. Ranma takes a step back. Ranma: Hey, I didn't mean it that way! But, come on... God knows you're cute, but isn't that a little over the top? Akane slumps and sighs. Akane: You are right. I think they are only in it because of the challenge. To "prove themselves", hah! Any boy who was *really* interested in me would have realized by now that I don't intend to date on that basis. Ranma notices that Akane's mood has become pretty sad now. He sets one bucket on the floor and touches Akane's shoulder reassuringly. Ranma: Hey, don't despair. I'm sure there'll be some boy who respects you in your own right. Akane: Do you really think so, Ranko? Her eyes glitter a little with the slightest hint of tears. Then she slumps again. Akane: It's not as if a boy like that would have any chance to come up to me. Not as long Kunou upholds that stupid challenge. Ranma: Really! Why would anybody listen to that buffoon? Akane: He's the best fighter of the whole school. Ranma: What, him? I could have nailed him anytime! Akane: Is that so? Then what's that on your throat? Ranma: Huh? Ranma sets down one bucket and fingers the side of his neck. Ranma: Ow, that's a bruise. [surprised] He did that without even touching me? Wow, he sure knows how to handle that sword. Akane: An opponent to take serious, don't you think. Ranma: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. ~*~ Kunou is sitting in class next to Nabiki. On his brow there are shining red pressure marks spelling out "Bufoon". Nabiki and he are whispering to each other from the corner of their mouths, never moving their eyes from the Teacher. Nabiki: And you say you didn't notice him touching you? That's amazing. Kunou: Hmph! I thought, he was good, too... But he can't even spell! Everybody knows that it's spelled "B O O F U N". Nabiki: Kunou... It's spelled "B U F F O O N". Kunou: I detest you. Nabiki: [unimpressed] My heart is broken. Kunou: Nevertheless... He will not get away with his impertinent behavior towards Akane. Nabiki: Well, I guess it's up to them to work that out. They being fiancées and all. With that Kunou jumps up. He is standing in the aisle with his fists raised. Kunou: FIANCÉES?! Never! I forbid it! Teacher: [without even looking] Kunou - stand in the hall. ~*~ Ranma and Akane are still holding their buckets. Ranma: Um, and another thing... I'd prefer if you'd call me "Ranma" while I'm a boy. Akane: Huh? Why that? You are still the same person, aren't you? Ranma: Sure I am. I just learned that it helps to keep up the illusion that my male half is *not* the same person as my female half. People overhear all sorts of things - and I've found that you get away with it easier if you keep the masquerade consistent. Akane: Well, okay, "Ranma", if that's how you intend to do it. [turns a bit away] Ranma: Akane. What's wrong? But Akane doesn't get to answer because Kunou comes storming down the hall with a bucket in each hand. He empties them into Ranma's direction but only succeeds in splashing the wall. Ranma is *good* at dodging water. :) Kunou: *Never*, Saotome Ranma! Ranma: What's it *now*, Kunou. Akane: Kunou-sempai..? Kunou: [screaming] I shall never accept your engagement to Akane! A split second later suddenly all the windows to the classes along the hall shift open and pupils crowd out. Boys: What engagement?! Girls: Akane, how could you? You always said you hated men! Ranma and Akane are frantically waving at the others denying everything. Akane: We're not really... Ranma: Only our parents want... Kunou interrupts them by pulling his sword and attacking Ranma again, slicing a bucket in half in the process. Ranma bounds down the hall; Kunou follows. Kunou: Stand your ground, Saotome! Ranma: This is not the place for a fight! Follow me. Kunou: I shall! All the pupils are following the pair - Akane at the front. Boy: Wow, this is great! Girls: And the winner gets to go out with Akane! Akane: [annoyed] *Do* you mind?! The hall monitor spots the parade and calls out. Hall monitor: Hey!! No running in the hall! Akane: [without slowing down or looking] Yes, sir. Ranma vaults through an open window. Ranma: C'mon, let's take this outside. Kunou: Fear not! Hall monitor: [just as Kunou jumps out] Hey! This is the third floor! Kunou: [eyes bugging] Ack! Ranma: Don't worry, I'm... Ooops! He has spied the large swimming pool below them. Then he relaxes remembering that he already is in cursed form. Akane notices this, runs to the window and shouts Akane: Ranma! That pool is *heated*! Ranma: Nani?! Too late. with a loud splash the would-be combatants impact on the surface of the water. For a while the splashes and ripples obscure what is going on, but as the picture clears the onlookers see Kunou floating face-down in the water. Boy: There's Kunou! Why are his index finger and pinky extended? Boy2: It means he's out of the picture. But where's Saotome? ~*~ Ranko is swimming underwater hoping to be hidden by the rippling light reflections on the surface. Ranko: [thinks] Gotta get away. Gotta get away. She notices the unconscious Kunou floating above her and an idea forms. She lifts him a little out of the water, making sure to keep beneath him at all times, and slowly makes her way to the edge. Ranko: [thinks] Whatta way to start school... What kind of principal keeps a *heated* pool behind his school? With... [blinks at what she sees] with *palm trees* around it?! At that very moment Kunou blinks and moans. He is regaining consciousness. He feels the figure beneath him and instinctively grabs at it squishing Ranko's breasts. Kunou: Saotome! I fight on! Ranko: Gyaaaa!! Akane: [still at the window] Now it is out! -- End of part 4. Part 5: "He is no man" Kunou Tatewaki and Saotome Ranko are locked in combat in the swimming pool behind Fuurinkan High. Ranko is flailing around with her arms while Kunou grips her from behind. Kunou: Ranma! You can't escape me. Ranko: Lemme *go*! Suddenly Ranko's eyes widen as Kunou accidentally grasps one of her breasts with his gripping hands. Kunou freezes. With her teeth clenched in an angry snarl Ranko reaches up, grabs Kunou's hair and swings him out of the water by his head. Ranko: Hentai! As Kunou's body impacts with solid ground Ranko is carried out after him by the momentum of her throw. She uses the momentum to somersault over Kunou and whirls away from the school grounds and the eyes of the onlooking pupils that crowd the windows of the school building. ~*~ Inside the building Akane is looking out on the scene together with other students of her year. Girl: What, what..? Boy: Ranma's body... it looked smaller just now, didn't it? Boy 2: Must have been an illusion. Akane is leaving the others to their speculations and silently slips down the corridor to the exit. ~*~ Kunou is lying very still by the edge of the pool. Then he cocks his head. Kunou: That... was a girl. Yes. No mistaking it. That means... Reaching the only conclusion his brain allows, he sits up and shouts. Kunou: Saotome Ranma! You have walked out on our battle, but you will not escape! ~*~ The sky has long cleared since Ranma's first battle with Kunou before school. Only a few clouds are still to be seen. Behind the school grounds in the trees someone can be heard breathing hard. Ranko is sitting in a tree top wringing the water out of her trousers grumbling. Ranko: What a hentai! Got a good feel of me, didn't he? [snarls] Well, I guess now he knows about me. Whatta way to start school. A voice snaps her from her thoughts. It is Akane. Akane: Hey, Ranko. Ranko: Akane... what? Akane: [hands behind her back] Geez, that was pretty dumb, jumping into that pool like that. Ranko: Aw, shaddup. How was I to know? Akane: Well, in that case I can take *this* with me, shall I? She is holding up a bucket of water. Ranko immediately amends her manners. Ranko: No! I'm sorry, Akane. I'm sorry! Akane "hmph"s but approaches with the bucket. Before Ranko can get down to take it, though, they hear squashing noises. Kunou nears. Kunou: Saotome Ranma! Show yourself you coward! Turning towards the older boy, Akane shouts. Akane: Catch! She throws the bucket to Ranko and goes to face Kunou oblivious of the fact that her throw is missing Ranko by far. Ranko is barely able to catch it. Akane resolutely plants her feet standing in Kunou's way. She assumes a basic fighting stance. Akane: Kunou-sempai... now you get your fight. Kunou: [serious as always, but obviously very happy] Akane... I never dreamt that one day *you* would challenge *me*. Ah, so be it. I will allow you to go out with me if you win. And win you shall. Akane: Who wants to go out with you? [thinks] Ranko, change back into a boy while I buy you some time. But Ranko has her own problems. To catch Akane's bucket she had to stretch out wide; and now she hangs in the tree, only supported by her feet clamped abound a branch. Her leg muscles tremble with the effort of holding her straight with the weight of the bucket in her outstretched arms. Ranko: Nrrrgh! So what am I supposed to do? Kunou begins his attack. He raises the sword high above his head and brings it down on Akane with force and a scream. Honouring the fight, he will not just let himself lose, though he certainly wants to. Akane catches his blade between her palms. She lets herself fall backwards, pulling Kunou with her by his sword. When he is almost over her, she lashes out with a foot and kicks him flying. Akane: Hyaa! Kunou: Gyeeeh! Ranko has at last pulled herself and the bucket back onto the branch again. Ranko: Finally! Unfortunately, Kunou chooses exactly that moment to come crashing into the tree. Flying upside down, his head impacts with the bucket, smashing it open. The water runs out but Kunou's head remains stuck. Ranko is now effectively holding an upside down Kunou by a handle on his head. His eyes swivel left and right and he beholds Ranko. Kunou: Eh? You're that girl... Ranko: Uh... Akane: You are *still* a girl?! Ranko: What'd you expect? Kunou: So. Did you see where the boy with the pigtail went? Ranko: [dumbfounded] Uh-uh! [shakes her head] Kunou: That coward is running from our fight! No doubt he feared my prowess. Ah, he is no man! No man at all. Instead he runs like a fearful woman. Ranko has grown increasingly angry during Kunou's rant. Now she simply lets go of the bucket handle and Kunou plummets to the ground. He sits up again while Ranko - still without trousers - jumps down after him. Kunou: That hurt, you know? Ranko: It was supposed to, jerk. I can take you any time! Come on! Kunou: Heh. Amusing. Very well, if you should win I will allow you to go out with me. He takes his sword back from Akane, who has been holding it all the time, and slashes at Ranko. Ranko easily dodges by jumping over the arc of the sword. Ranko: And who... Now well within his defense, she grabs his sword with the toes of her right foot and plants the left squarely into Kunou's face while finishing her sentence. Ranko: ...wants to go out with you? Kunou is going down. He looses his grip on the sword and begins to fall backwards. While he falls he cannot help but admire the girl who just beat him. Kunou: [thinks] She... is skilled. As good as Akane. No! Even better! Ranko makes a few fancy twirls with the Bokken while still in mid-air and then lands before him. She is grinning down at the beaten Kunou. Ranko: You see, Kunou? It doesn't take a *man* to beat you! And, y'know what? Saotome Ranma is even better'n me! Kunou: [thinks] Who on earth...? Ranko drops the sword and confidently strides away. Ranko: Let's go home, Akane. Akane: You'd better get your trousers out of that tree. School isn't over yet! ~*~ Night envelopes Nerima and all the windows are lit. At the Tendou Dojo, Ranma and his father are talking in the practice hall while standing on their heads. Genma: So, she really looked out for you at school today? Ranma: [defensively] I didn't ask her to. [more thoughtfully] You're right, though... ~*~ Akane's window, too, is lighted. Inside, Nabiki is talking to her. Nabiki: I really don't understand you. If she's acting so boyish as you say, then what's your problem with everyone knowing that you're engaged? Akane: [not looking up from her homework] That's easy for you to say. [she turns to face Nabiki] She changed back into a girl right before everyone's eyes! It's only a matter of time until they realize what's going on. Ranma is standing before her door, about to knock, when he hears Akane. Akane: Do you think I want everyone to believe I'm a pervert, too? With that Ranma turns away again. He slides down the banisters of the stairs, thinking. Ranma: [thinks] Hmph! If that's how she sees me. And I wanted to thank her. ~*~ The next day at school, Kunou is astonished. Kunou: Tendou Nabiki, can it be true? You know that girl? Nabiki: Sure I know her. The girl with the pigtail and the Chinese clothes, right? Kunou rushes to his place and scribbles onto a scroll. Kunou: [thinks] If she thinks she can defeat Kunou Tatewaki and simply walk away, she thinks wrongly! He folds the completed scroll and puts the recipients name on it. It says "To the Tree-borne Bucket Girl" Kunou: Here, Nabiki. Will you deliver it for me? ~*~ Ranma is sitting on the terrace before the Dojo and reads the letter again. Ranma: And you're sure this is for me? Nabiki: Well, to your girl side. I don't think he has realized that you are the same person. Akane joins them and Ranma reads the letter aloud. Ranma: "On Sunday in the tenth hour, meet me in the second field of Fuurinkan High." Akane: Sounds like a challenge to a duel. Nabiki: Kunou-chan *so* hates to lose. Akane: Vengeful, huh? Ranma crumples the paper annoyedly. ~*~ It is Sunday and the wind howls around Fuurinkan High. The big clock of the school building is showing ten o'clock. Ranko is standing in the field apprehensively waiting for Kunou to turn up. He does so and approaches her directly. Kunou: So, you have come, Tree-borne Bucket Girl. Ranko: [annoyed] You don't learn too quick, do ya? So, where'd you hide your sword? Kunou: Heh. I have no need of a sword. Ranko: Pretty confident, huh? There is a strange gleam in Kunou's eyes. Kunou: Confident enough to give you... *this*!! With that he throws something at Ranko in a blur of speed. Without thinking Ranko instinctively catches it. Petals fall and Ranko is surprised to see that in her hand... she holds a bouquet of flowers. Kunou: I love you! He blushes and quickly turns to leave. Thus he does not see Ranko's knees give way under her as she plops to the ground astonished. -- End of part 5. Part 6: "We are one" It is early morning above Tokyo in general and the Tendo dojo in particular. A scream tears the silence that lies above everything. Voice: Aaaaahhhh! ~*~ At the breakfast table this morning, the Tendou sisters console a very shaken-looking Ranko. Kasumi: You dreamt of Kunou *again*? Ranko: Y-yeah. Her teacup begins to shake in her hand. Akane reaches out and steadies it. Ranko doesn't notice either. Nabiki: I still don't get it. What's so bad about Kunou being in love with you? Ranko: He's... he's so... *weird*. Akane: Unhealthy. Ranko: Yeah. Hey Nabiki, why do you insist that Kunou's not so bad? You're in his class - you should *know* how he is. Nabiki: [counting on her fingers] Well, for one, he's filthy rich. And he's not bad-looking. And... uh, did I mention, he's filthy rich? Akane: You did. He has no brain whatsoever. Nabiki: [counting out the third finger] Right. Kasumi: Oh, that's bad. Nabiki: No, it's *good*. Ranko: Having no brain is *good* in a boy? Nabiki: Especially if he's filthy... Akane: Rich. I think we get the picture, Nabiki. Ranko: Well, I'll opt for keeping my brain. Akane: You're no boy. Ranko: Not right now. Oh, that's right! He also hates my guts when I'm a guy. Nabiki: Hmmm, tough. But he doesn't know you're the same person. See? That's where the missing brain becomes a plus. Ranko: [sarcastically] If you like him that much, why don't *you* take him? Nabiki: Heh, He'd probably try to behead me for being so dishonourable to try to steal my sister's lover. Akane sighs. ~*~ Two sets of feet pummel the asphalt as if to beat it into submission. Ranma and Akane are flying across the streets of Nerima with a speed that could lead you to mistake their resounding footsteps for sonic booms. The hordes of boys that assault them as they near Fuurinkan High are batted aside without even slowing down. Boy: There she is! Akane! Boy 2: Her fiancé is with her! Leave Akane alone, Saoto--- Ranma: Out of the way! Akane: We're *late*! No sooner have they entered the building than Kunou Tatewaki assaults. Kunou: Attack! With both Akane's and Ranma's foot impacting in his face Kunou looses balance first, consciousness second. Akane regards Ranma angrily. Akane: Hey, don't fight my fights for me. Ranma: I don't do this just for you. Akane: Hmph! In other words: a perfectly normal schoolday begins without noteworthy incidents. ~*~ Class E of the second year. The Panda looks rather tacky - Large-eyed, ball-shaped, wearing a big "take me home and cuddle me" grin, it lies on Tendou Nabiki's table. Nabiki eyes it suspiciously. Nabiki: Another present for the Pigtail Girl, I presume? Kunou: So it is, Tendou Nabiki. Nabiki: Look, Kunou-chan, this can't go on. All this "messenger of love" stuff may be cute, but it doesn't bring in the yen - and you know what they say about charity work... Kunou: What? Nabiki: How should *I* know? I stop listening when they talk about charity. [giggles as Kunou facefaults] I'm kidding, you dope. But if you want something from me, how about these? Nabiki slaps down a set of photos. They all show Ranko in a variety of poses: sleeping, sunbathing, dressing and undressing... Kunou's hands shake as he regards them. Nabiki: Set of five, 3000 yen. Interested? Kunou: Such beauty. So free, so open, so unguarding. Nabiki: Kinda like a boy, eh? Deal? Kunou: Sold. Nabiki: [counting the money] Well, well, well... Nice to know that I won't lose this part of my income, now that you are dropping Akane. Kunou: Dropping Akane? I will do no such thing. Nabiki: [as if realizing] Oh, so you intend to two-time her? Kunou: No! [he agonizes over the two options] Akane's purity and virtue are unsurpassable... The Pigtail Girls is simply overflowing with healthy energetic beauty... Is it a crime to be attracted to both?! Nabiki: [calmly] No. It's two-timing. She lays another set of photos before him. These are of Akane smashing concrete blocks. Kunou: Such strength, such skill... such ferocity. Sold. Nabiki: [counting again] If you really want the Pigtail Girl to get all those presents, you should take a more direct route. Kunou: Huh? ~*~ The door to class F of the first year shifts open. Nabiki pokes her head in and looks around. Nabiki: Hey, Ranma! Kunou wants a word with you. Ranma: Just a word? Akane: [thinks] Oneechan...? ~*~ A back corner of Fuurinkan High, at the foot of the fire escape that crawls down the side of the building. Ranma: You wanted to talk to me, Kunou? Kunou: Harumph! I cannot honestly say I *want* to converse with you. Ranma: So why are we here? Kunou: That is for you to explain. [angrily] Why do I have to give this to you? [thrusts the toy panda to Ranma] Ranma: [turns it over and looks at if from all sides] You don't have to. It's not quite my style. Kunou: "If you want her to have it, give it to Ranma." Tendou Nabiki's very words. Why, Saotome Ranma, do I have to reach my pigtailed love through *you*? Suddenly Ranma understands what's behind all this. He tosses the Panda back to Kunou. Ranma: Forget it Kunou. I'm not i... I'm telling you she's not interested. Just forget about her. You'll probably not see her much 'round here, anyway. [thinks] I mean, it's not like hot water is gonna start falling from the sky. He tips Kunou a goodbye and leaves around the corner. Suddenly a scream comes from above - and something else. Voice: Ayyaah! Hot! Ranko: [wet and back in her real body] Aaargh, ouch, hot! In a window two stories above her a teacher reprimands a careless pupil. Teacher: Kotaira, come back here. How often do I have to tell you to use tongs to pick up the beaker. And you turn down your bunsen before you take it down, too. At ground level Kunou comes storming around the corner. He has heard his Pigtail Girl scream. Kunou: Saotome! What are you doing to her?! Finding nobody, he looks around. Frustrated he slashes at a tree with his bokken. Kunou: Damn you, Saotome. The tree, sliced neatly in half by the wooden sword, falls down revealing Ranko who rolls out of the wreckage. Kunou: The... the Pigtail Girl! Ranko: Um... Kunou: Pigtail Girl, I love y... Ranko: Ah, give it a break. Despite the violent punch to his face Kunou continues. He embraces Ranko. Kunou: I'll love you forever, Pigtail Girl. Ranma: [muffled in Kunou's arms] What Pigtail Girl? Nabiki is standing behind the two with an empty bucket. Nabiki: Say, Ranma, why is Kunou suddenly so enamoured of you? Kunou: Ranma?? Ranma: Kunou darling... [he frees himself and kicks Kunou in the head] time to let go! Ha! [turns to go] Now you know how it is. Will you let me in peace, now? Kunou: [calls after him] Never, Saotome! Where have you hid my pigtailed love? Ranma freezes in his tracks. He turns, embarrassed to have to spell it out to Kunou. Ranma: Err, Kunou... Nabiki: Listen, Kunou-chan. It's like this: Ranma and the Pigtail Girl are a unit. Ranma: Yes, we are one. Do you finally get it? Kunou's face is chiseled in stone. He begins to shake. Suddenly he brandishes his bokken and attacks Ranma again. Kunou: Dishonourable wretch! Ranma: [dodging] Somehow I have the feeling that you didn't get it, yet. Kunou: Silence, cur! Despite your engagement to Akane you claim to love the Pigtail Girl! How dare you besmirch their honour by trying to bind them both to you. Nabiki: You mean, like two-timing them? Kunou: Be silent, woman! He turns and slashes at Ranma. Another tree is felled in Kunou's rage. Ranma continues to dodge. Akane arrives and sees the fight going on. She hides behind a stone pillar and continues watching. Akane: What fight did she get into *now*? Kunou: I can see it clearly! You enslaver of women! Kunou's fantasy paints a picture of horror in livid colours. Akane (imagined): Oh, Saotome-san, won't you set me free? You have the Pigtail Girl - and there's a boy in school whom I love... Ranma (imagined): Ha, set you free? How didja get that idea into yer pretty head? I'll keep ya to myself! Pigtail Girl (imagined): [squirming in his grip] But what about your claim that you love me? Ranma (imagined): I'll keep you both! Bwaahahahaha! [grabs them] Both girls (imagined): Ohhh! Back in the real world. Ranma: You idiot! Neither Akane nor me *want* to be engaged... Kunou stabs at Ranma who jumps up in evasion. Ranma then grabs the outstretched wooden blade, swings his legs down and kicks Kunou hard in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Ranma: And I'm *not* in love with the Pigtail Girl! Kunou staggers back. A lot off cards fly from his breast pocket. They are photographs. Curious, Ranma snags one out of the air. It is a photo of his true, female form taken from the back at an angle - and she's taking her shirt off on it! Ranma: What?! Ranma is so shocked by this that he momentarily drops his guard. Kunou, spying an opening, lashes out with the bokken and finally scores a hit; He lands a vicious blow to Ranma's ribs. Kunou: Fool! Ranma: Unngh! Akane who is still in hiding gasps astonished. Is it all over now? -- End of part 6. Part 7: "She is really a very nice girl" Wounded for the first time by Kunou's bokken, Ranma falls clutching his side. Akane is gazing on speechlessly, still hiding unseen behind the stone pillar. Ranma manages to land on his feet but is wobbling a little unsteadily. The photographs are still fluttering in the air. Emboldened by his success Kunou strikes at Ranma again but Ranma dodges without even seeming to pay attention. He is snagging the photos out of the air, studying every one. Kunou: You refuse to look while you're fighting?! You should not take me so easy! Ranma: Whoa! Kunou launches a lightning stab at Ranma's head that he can barely dodge. Ranma rolls backward out of range. Coming to a rest next to the Stone pillar, he is surprised to find Akane there. Ranma: [on his back before her] Oh. Hi Akane. Akane: One advice for you - When he's fighting boys, Kunou is quite a strong opponent. Ranma: [raises a brow] You must be a different Akane from the one who always reminds me that I'm not a boy. Akane: [kicks him back to Kunou] Then go fight him you "tough *guy*"! Ranma somersaults through the air towards his opponent. Kunou confidently raises his sword. Kunou: Thus the game ends. Ranma: What? In a blur of motion Kunou unleashes a rain of stabs towards Ranma. Ranma desperately squirms, bends and jumps to evade. Kunou: Strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike... Ranma: Wah! The stone pillar that Akane stands behind is developing a crack. More and more cracks spiderweb the pillar. Nabiki realizes with amazement that it is on a straight line with Ranma and the striking Kunou. Nabiki: Wow, that's just the air pressure generated by his strikes. The Pillar disintegrates into rubble and Akane has to jump to safety. Ranma turns to her alarmed. Akane: Kyaah! Ranma: Akane! Are you all right? Kunou: Now I've got you! [brings down his bokken] Akane: Look out! Eyes front! Still looking at Akane, Ranma evades the descending blade and moves in. He swings his leg along Kunou's body and jumps back to safety. Kunou: Heh! That didn't- [topples] Nabiki: What... What did you do? Akane comes forward. She crouches down and turns over Kunou's prone form. All over his body are footprints. Akane eyes the position of the prints. Akane: They are on all the vital spots. Nabiki: You kicked him, Ranma? I couldn't even see it. Ranma is stretching and acting rather unperturbed. Ranma: Well, well. If that's all Kunou had going for him... Akane: Oh, is that so? Well, he hit you, didn't he? Ranma: Feh, 'tis but a scratch. Akane: Oh, so *this* doesn't hurt at all? She pokes a finger into Ranma's side where his shirt hangs in tatters from Kunou's blow. His eyes water and he assumes a fetal position. Akane: I really don't understand you sometimes. If it hurts that much, why're you holding it in? You're acting *far* too much like a boy. Anyway, what distracted you so much that you let him hit you? She picks up one of the photos lying around. It is one that shows her in her gi, practising punches. She looks at Ranma in horror, taking a step back. Akane: You're looking at pictures of me?! And I thought the stupid curse was all of it... You twisted hentai! Ranma: No! It wasn't one of those. Ranma hold up the picture of his female self, but Akane refuses to look. Akane: More photographs of me? That does it! Nabiki picks up the photo from the ground. She taps Akane's shoulder and when she turns hands it to her wordlessly. Akane: A... a picture of her? But why did she carry it? Nabiki: Actually Kunou bought them. 3000 yen a set. Akane: [incredulous] *You* did them? Nabiki: [smiles] Just making a little spending money. Akane: Nabiki! My own sister! Ranma: [from ground level] Groan... Akane: [guiltily] Eeep! Ranko! ~*~ It's beginning to get dark, but the light outside Dr. Toufuu's clinic is not yet on. Voice: This is *terrible*! In his examination room Dr. Toufuu bends over a badly contorted Ranma. Dr. Toufuu: Really horrible. Well, except this minor wound by a bokken. What kind of brutal thug would do this? Akane: [blushing] Err... Ranma: It was... [Akane tenses] It was nobody you'd know, really. Akane: Um. It kinda was, err, me. Dr. Toufuu: [slaps his knee] Ha! I thought I recognized the style. Well, now that I look at it, it's obvious. He begins to snap all the dislocated joints and bones back into place again. Dr. Toufuu: Take this backward joint for example. Dr. Toufuu: It's very *you*. Ranma: Eeyowch! Dr. Toufuu: You're Ranma, her fiancé, right? Ranma: Urk. Akane: Not really! I mean, just our parents want... Dr. Toufuu: Oh, don't worry. Dr. Toufuu: You've got all the time in the world to decide. You're still kids, after all. Akane: Yes, Sensei. [thinks] Just a kid to him. Ranma: [screams] This hurts! Dr. Toufuu: [stops] Really? It shouldn't. Where does it hurt? Ranma: [astonished] It... doesn't anymore. Akane: Dr. Toufuu is great, isn't he? ~*~ The light before the door is now turned on against the dark. As The two kids leave, Dr. Toufuu holds Ranma back. Dr. Toufuu: Ranma. Wait a moment. Akane is looking back at them but is out of hearing range. She waits. Dr. Toufuu: I don't know what your fight was about, but please do try to get along with Akane. Ranma: It was really just a misunderstanding. It's just... She takes this engagement stuff our parents cooked up so *seriously*. It bothers her and so she ends up fighting *me*. [sighs] Dr. Toufuu: She really is a nice girl, underneath. Ranma: I'm sure she is, but she sure won't let *me* see that side of her. Dr. Toufuu: Oh, I guess she will, given time. And encouragement. Ranma: Huh! Until then, you'd better keep a stretcher ready for me. Dr. Toufuu: You don't have to be so pessimistic. You'll find out soon enough. He pats Ranma encouragingly on the back as he leaves. Dr. Toufuu: She is really a very nice girl. ~*~ The streetlamps surround their poles with little pools of light. Ranma and Akane make their way home through the darkened streets of Nerima. Akane does not look at Ranma. Akane: What did you talk about? Ranma: Oh, he just told me what a *perfect* couple we'll be. Akane: Is that so? Ranma: No. I'm kidding. Akane doesn't answer. Ranma tries to look her in the face, but she turns away. Ranma: Hey, are you hurt about something? Akane: N.. no! I'm just thinking. Ranma: [after a pause] He seems to be very fond of you. Akane: Why should I be interested in what Dr. Toufuu thinks of me? ~*~ Dr. Toufuu sits in his room, looking at the wall clock. Dr. Toufuu: 3... 2... 1... ~*~ Ranma: Well, I just thought you'd wa... Suddenly his legs fold under him. Ranma: Huh?! Akane notices him falling back and finally turns. There's just the slightest hint of a glitter in her eyes. Akane: What happened? Ranma: My legs... [thinking back to Dr. Toufuu's pat] The doctor did that. Akane crouches down before him and takes his arms over her shoulders from the back. Ranma: Uh, what're you doing? Akane: I'm going to carry you. Ranma: Oh. I thought you don't want... [breaks off, thinks] Don't want anything to do with me when I'm a boy. Akane: Well, I can't let you crawl home like that, can I? As he is carried piggyback by Akane, Ranma thinks back to Dr. Toufuu's words. Dr. Toufuu (remembered): She's really a nice girl. Ranma: [thinks] I guess you're right there. If only she'd see *me* that way... -- End of part 7. Part 8: "There is a girl that he likes" Voice: Hyaaaa! A battlecry reverberates above the roofs of Nerima, Tokyo. In the garden of the Tendou Dojo Saotome Genma and his daughter Ranko collide in mid-air. Suddenly their sparring is interrupted. Kasumi: Mr. Saotome, Ranko, breakfast is ready! Genma: Ah, thank you very much, Kasumi. Ranko exploits Genma's momentary distraction and kicks him to the ground. He lands right in the middle of the little garden pool and turns into a panda. Ranko somersaults backwards to evade the water that her father tries to throw at her. ~*~ Later at the breakfast table the panda holds up a sign. Genma: [signs] Today I'm going to start working. Ranko is looking in from outside. She has taken off her top and is lying on her back, letting the ground absorb her body heat from the workout. Ranko: Work? You? In a petting zoo, perhaps? Or a circus. You'd be popular in no time. Genma: [signs] Ha, ha, ha! [flips over the sign] You're wrong! Nabiki: Pass the soy sauce, please. Father Souun enters the room, still brushing his teeth. Souun: Ha ha ha, Saotome, old friend. I heard your morning workout with Ranma. Atta boy, atta b... He breaks off in shock as the "boy" comes into the room, very female and still completely topless. Souun's toothbrush is now irretrievably lodged in the back corner of his mouth where he rammed it in shock. Ranko: [oblivious to this] Good morning! Akane has seen all this and enters, too. Akane: Ranko! Has your training erased all sense of modesty? Cover yourself! Ranko: Huh? Cover... She looks down herself and realizes what Akane talks about. She turns beet red and hastily puts on her top. Ranko: Sorry, sorry! I've been in boy form for so long that I got used to it. I completely forgot that I was in my natural form at the moment. Akane: That's terrible. Kasumi: Oh, Akane, I just remembered... When you two come back from school, could you stop at Toufuu-sensei's place? I borrowed this book from him [holds up a book about akupressure], would you return it for me? Akane: [evasive] Umm, why don't you go yourself? Today is not so good for me... Kasumi: Oh, in that case I'll go. Ranko: [pondering Akane] Hmmm...? Akane: [standing up] Well, let's go, Ranko. Ranko: Wait for me, I gotta change. Kasumi: Father? Why don't you remove the toothbrush? ~*~ Akane and Ranma walk to school in their usual fashion - Akane on the sidewalk, Ranma on the fence. Akane seems very introspective and Ranma looks at her quizzically. He jumps down from the fence and walks along her. She doesn't seem to notice. Finally he talks to her. Ranma: Akane? Why did you say that to Kasumi? I know you'd like to see Dr. Toufuu. Akane stands still for a second, then turns towards Ranma with a strange look in her eyes. She grabs him by his pig-tail and takes off at lightning speed. Ranma: Whoa! Akane! Akane continues towards school without reacting to him. As they pass a certain house, a splash of water rains down from above and hits Ranma. Ranko: Ah! Akane, wait! ~*~ On a balcony above the street is a little red-haired girl with an empty kettle. From inside comes a voice. Father: Chiya! Where did you hide that kettle? I swear I don't understand this child. Where does that fascination with hot water come from? ~*~ Akane passes the gates of Fuurinkan High and pulls a sharp turn. She slams Ranko against the wall of the school yard. Akane: I don't want to hear a word about it! Ranko: About what? Akane: You know what! I'm talking about Dr. Tou... She notices Ranko's feminine features and stops. She grabs Ranko's shirt and pops open the top half. There's no question that she's female again. Ranko: I told you to wait. Akane: When did... She notices that Ranko stares past her and whips around, assuming a fighting stance. Before her stand all the boys that fight her every morning. Ranko: [sarcastically] Did everyone get a good look? Akane: Who'll go first, today? But the boys look different today. They all are crying and look fiercely resolved. Boys: We do not come to fight you. We all will swallow our tears and honour your engagement to Ranma. Ranko: Hey! What're you.. Akane: [over her shoulder] Cover your breast! Ranko: Eeep! Akane: What are you talking about? Voice: Perhaps they have fallen prey to that strange rumour... Everyone turns to regard the speaker. It is Kunou Tatewaki, bandages covering every inch of his head and torso. Kunou: ...that Saotome Ranma defeated me. But, I won't admit defeat. Ranko: Hey, what's with the 'invisible man' outfit? Boys: Kunou was the strongest of us. And the greatest hentai, too. Kunou: [fuming] Who's a hentai?! Boy: If you choose Ranma over him, we have to accept it. Kunou: But I will not! Ranma's weak kicks... I can take a hundred - *two* hundred - of them. They do not hurt me. He takes off his bandages and the onlooking boys gasp at the footprint-shaped bruises on his face. Ranko: Weak?! I'll tell you what's weak! Not admitting when you've been *beaten*, that's what! [gets ready for fighting] Akane: [quietly grinning] Funny you should say that... Ranko: [aside] Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Akane just lays a hand on her side at the same place that Ranma received the bokken wound from Kunou. But Kunou interrupts them. Kunou: Oh! The Pigtail Girl! Ranko: [quietly] Oh no! Akane: You just can't remember, can you? Kunou s over to Ranko and holds her hands. Kunou: I wanted so much to meet you... Ranko: A-hem. I thought you like Akane. Kunou: I like... Ranko: Akane's looking at you now. [looks around and sees Akane turning away] Hey! What're you doing? Akane: Oh, I had no idea... [makes Bambi-eyes] Kunou-sempai, if you truly love her, I'll leave you two alone. Ranko: Hey! What're you doing *that* for?! Kunou is stricken by such selflessness and sways back and forth as he is torn between his loves. Finally he decides. Kunou: I love you *both*! He tries to embrace both girls, but is met only by Akane's fist and Ranko's foot. He falls. Boys: Well, that's how it is. Give our regards to Ranma. Akane: [pushing Ranko along] All right. ~*~ On the sports ground of Fuurinkan High Ranma is working out at the high bar. He swings around it gripping with only one hand, jumps and lands in a perfect hecht dismount. The onlooking pupils applaud. He joins the sitting classmates to let the next one have the bar. Boy: That was amazing, Ranma. Boy2: He went to China and studied acrobatics. Ranma: Err, it was martial arts, actually. Two of the boys sit down next to him and begin to whisper conspiratively. Boy1: So. How far did you get with Akane? Ranma: Huh?! Boy2: Don't pretend. You're fiancées, aren't you? Boy1: Surely you've and and... Ranma: I never did! They begin to crowd him. Boy2: Liar. and ... Boy1: ! Ranma: She's not that kind of girl! ~*~ The girls' group are practising throws and swings with some baseball equipment. Girl: It's coming your way, Akane. Akane: Got it! The boys fall silent as they watch Akane jump high and stretch her trained body to catch the ball in her glove. Ranma uses the opportunity to extricate himself from between them. Sportsmaster: Now change places! Boy: Wow, she's cute. Ranma: So what? [thinks] She doesn't even have a friendly word for me because of that stupid engagement. And these guys sure aren't helping, the way they always remind her of it. [sighs] And that Dr. Toufuu probably doesn't even realize that she loves him. Poor Akane. Boy: Err, Ranma? You studied martial arts, right? Ranma: [still in deep thought] Uh-huh. Boy: Well, shouldn't you have dodged that ball? Ranma: What ball? There is a baseball deeply embedded in Ranma's cheek. Nearby stands a very embarrassed-looking Akane holding a bat. ~*~ Akane: I'm sorry. Does it still hurt? A big bandage covers almost fully one side of Ranma's face. He and Akane are walking from school. Ranma: [thinks] It *must* have been coincidence. She couldn't have heard me *thinking* about that Toufuu fellow. Akane: Look, I've apologized thirty times now. Just then they turn the corner to Dr. Toufuu's clinic and stop in their tracks. Ranma: Huh? Akane: Oh. Before Dr. Toufuu's stands Genma in panda form. He's sweeping before the entrance. He lifts one paw as a greeting. Ranma: Pop? What're you doing here? Dr. Toufuu: [coming out] Hello, Akane, Ranma. This is Mr. Saotome, who started working here today. You know him? They step inside. As Ranma takes place in the examination room, Dr. Toufuu is surprised. Dr. Toufuu: He's your father, Ranma? Well, I can't see any family likeness. [smiles] Now, what happened to your face? Ranma: It was an accident during gym class... Dr. Toufuu: I'll put something on it that'll work wonders. Wait a moment. Just as he leaves the room the phone rings. Dr. Toufuu: Oh. Mr. Saotome, will you get the phone, please? The big panda trots over, pick up the receiver and holds it to his ear. Genma: Growf. [listens, nods] Growf, growf. [signs] It's for you, Akane. Akane blinks and takes the receiver from Genma. Akane: Moshi moshi? Oh, Kasumi, it's you. Yes, I think it's nice he's got a job, too. [pause] Err, no, I think most of his patients would still prefer a human answering the phone, even if he *is* polite... [listens] OK, I see. Bye. She puts down the phone, grabs her bag and heads for the door. Akane: I'm going home. Ranma: Oh, did something happen? Akane: No, nothing like that. Ranma follows Akane out into the hall. Ranma: Then why don't you stay? [quieter] You like Toufuu-sensei. Akane pushes him against the wall, her hand clasped tightly over his mouth. Akane: Shut up! There is a girl that he likes. And she's coming here. In that instant the door opens and a voice calls. Voice: Hello? Ranma: [shocked] If that's Toufuu-sensei's taste... Akane: She's *not*, baka! The woman coming in is at least 80 years old and walking on a stick. ~*~ On a street in Nerima a merchant is laying out his merchandise, when he sees a figure he knows. Merchant: Oh, hello Kasumi. Going out? Kasumi: [smiles and greets] Just visiting Toufuu-sensei's place. -- End of part 8. Part 9: "Is she... crying?" In Dr. Toufuu's private clinic Ranma and Akane are standing in the hall. Ranma: Kasumi? Akane: Well, it's true. Toufuu-sensei really likes her. I've seen the way he looks at her. Akane lets her head hang down. Ranma carefully reaches out for her shoulder. Just in that moment Dr. Toufuu sticks his head out into the hall. Dr. Toufuu: Ranma, Akane? What are you doing out here? Ranma: Uh, nothing! [looks at Akane] right? Akane does not answer. Dr. Toufuu diplomatically decides not to ask any further. Dr. Toufuu: Well, I've got the balm now. Why don't you come back into the examination room? ~*~ Back in the room Ranma settles on the stool, while Akane takes place on the stretcher, drinking some tea that Dr. Toufuu offered to her. She tries not to look as miserable as she feels. Akane: [thinks] I should have left. Dr. Toufuu: Right. Now let's see that wound. Ranma takes off the bandage and reveals a giant bruise on his cheek. There's a curved red line going through it - the impression of the baseball's seam. The doctor takes a close look. Dr. Toufuu: Hmm... This hematome... Akane hit the ball, right? Akane gulps. Ranma: Um, err, how did you... Dr. Toufuu: Oh, with a bruise this big and an impression that deep, who else could it have been? Ranma: [avoids to look at Akane] Well, she is a martial artist. Akane: I didn't mean to hit it that hard! Dr. Toufuu looks a little nonplussed. Dr. Toufuu: You mean she *did* hit that ball? I was just joking because of your last visit. Akane blushes deeply and shuffles her feet. Dr. Toufuu lays a friendly arm around her shoulder. Dr. Toufuu: It doesn't matter, Akane. Ranma is right, it just shows you're a strong and healthy girl. Ranma: [thinks] Seems to *me* he likes her all right... [smiles inwardly] Dr. Toufuu leaves the slightly calmed down Akane and begins to treat Ranma. He disinfects the wound and begins to apply the balm, when suddenly the door shifts open. Kasumi is standing in the frame. Kasumi: Good afternoon, doctor. The doctor looks up from his patient and his glasses become opaque, fogging over in an instant. A silly smile spreads over his face and his hands begin to fidget. Unfortunately these hands are just gripping Ranma's head. Ranma: Uh! Ranma's neck is bent at an almost 90 degree angle. Akane looks on, almost as shocked as Ranma is. Dr. Toufuu hasn't noticed anything and clumsily returns Kasumi's greeting. Dr. Toufuu: H-hello, Kasumi. Kasumi: Um, I thought I heard something just now... [bends her neck to look Ranma in the face] Are you all right, Ranma? Dr. Toufuu: He is now. He's becoming a regular guest, eh, Ranma? He is talking to Genma and patting his shoulder. The panda holds up a sign which of course eludes the doctor. Genma: [signs] I'm not Ranma, I'm his father. Ranma: Uh, Doctor? Dr. Toufuu: W-well, Kasumi, what brings you here? Kasumi: Oh, this. [holds up the book] Ranma: Doctor? Dr. Toufuu: A book about human pressure points! Just what I needed. Kasumi: It's yours. Dr. Toufuu: Really? Oh, thank you Kasumi, you shouldn't have... Ranma: Doctor!! Finally Dr. Toufuu notices Ranma's situation - after a fashion. Dr. Toufuu: Oh, Ranma. There you are again. Have you injured yourself again so soon? I'll fix that. Now Ranma's neck is bent in the other direction, but Dr. Toufuu seems satisfied. Dr. Toufuu: There you go. [turns to the skeleton] Mr. Saotome could you fetch tea for Kasumi? Genma: [behind him, signs] Over here! Kasumi is giggling girlishly. Kasumi: Oh, Dr. Toufuu is so funny sometimes. Akane laughs with her, desperately hiding behind an obviously fake smile. Akane: Ha ha ha. Well, enjoy the company, big sister, I'll meet you at home. She leaves. Kasumi and Ranma look after her. Kasumi: Strange. We could have walked home together. I just wanted to give Toufuu-sensei some cookies as a thank-you. Ranma is silent. Behind him Dr. Toufuu has apparently forgotten his assistant. Dr. Toufuu: How may I help you, sir? Genma: [signs] Don't touch me. ~*~ As Ranma leaves the building still with a bent neck, he encounters various patients milling around before the clinic. Patient: Hey, is Tendou Kasumi still in there? Ranma: Uh, yeah. Why're you all out here? Patient2: We wouldn't go *near* the doctor as long as Kasumi's there. Patient1: Yeah, you'd be risking life and limb. Ranma: You're telling *me*? ~*~ A while later Ranko wanders around the Dojo looking for Akane. Her neck is straight again, but she moves it only carefully. She meets Nabiki in the hall. Nabiki: Akane? Last time I saw her was out back behind the practice hall. But be careful - she's not in her best mood. Ranko: Thanks Nabiki! Ranko follows the crashing sounds around the hall and carefully looks around the corner. Akane is kneeling in the middle of the lawn, surrounded by a lot of smashed bricks and other debris. Her shoulders seem a little slumped. Ranko: [thinks] Is she... crying? Akane stands up and wanders over to the garden wall with her head down. She leans with one arm against it. Akane: [thinks] I shouldn't let it get to me this way... She feels a hand softly touching he shoulder and whips around not wanting to be seen like this. Akane: Oh. Ranko, Um... Is your neck better? Ranko: Uh, yeah. Kasumi did something with pressure points. She said I shouldn't tense it for a few hours, though, or it would lock up again. Akane twitches a little at Kasumi's name, but Ranko does not seem to notice. Ranko: Well, are you up for a little sparring session? Akane: [wondering] Yes...? ~*~ In the practice hall, both girls in their gi work up a sweat. Both kick, dodge, thrust and parry at a rapid pace. Akane: At least, now you're swinging at me. Why -whoop- didn't you, last time? Ranko: Umm... Well, I was a boy then. Boys shouldn't hit girls. Akane: Huh?! Don't tell me *you* off all people believe that nonsense! Ranko ponders this for a moment, never letting up the attack or defense patterns. Then she laughs. Ranko: Heh, yes, you're right there. If anyone should know better, I should. Akane: Why did you want to spar now, anyway? Ranko: Well, I believe there's nothing better to take your mind of unpleasant matters, don't you think so? And Nabiki once told me that it relaxes you. Akane: [sceptical] So you're doing this basically for me? Ranko: Hey, just because I'm half a boy doesn't mean I'm insensitive. And just because our parents put us into this ludicrous situation with their engagement, doesn't mean I can't care about you. For a moment the kicking and punching subsides and the two just look at each other. Then Ranko reaches out and pushes Akane's shoulder hard. Akane loses her balance and falls on her rear. Ranko: [smirking] Is that *so* astonishing that you'd leave yourself wide open because of it? She reaches out to help Akane up. Suddenly with a snake-fast blow Akane kicks out Ranko's legs from under her. Ranko lands on the ground sitting before her. Akane grins. Akane: That was for taking advantage of my distraction. She sits up on her knees before Ranko. Akane: And *this* is for caring about me. She leans forward, gently touches Ranko's cheek and plants a kiss on her brow. ~*~ Genma in human form sits on a mat in his room and sews. Ranko enters the room and sits down with a book. The book is about akupressure - Ranko's neck is stiff and bent again. Genma: Isn't your neck better, yet? Ranko: It was, for a while. -- End of part 9. Part 10: "Where is Fuurinkan High?" The alarms sound over a tiny Japanese forest village. Excited and frightened people are running through the streets (which is standard practice when an alarm is sounded - it doesn't help, but it's *so* much more dramatic). A wild boar is on the loose and it is smashing its way through the small community. Bashed and overturned carts are lying in its wake; cats and other people have been chased up trees; chaos rules. When the behemoth of a pig finally decides to run down a clear space for a change and turns into the main street, cries rise up. A seemingly unaware wanderer is walking right in the path of the monster boar. Man: Hey! Careful there! Woman: Look out! Run! The young man on the street turns and sees the approaching animal. Yet he does not run. Instead he braces himself and when the boar is upon him and it seems inevitable that he will be slaughtered by the raging beast, he grabs its tusks and holds fast. Incredibly, the giant pig stops. Though it is desperately struggling against its captor, he wrestles it slowly down. Then the young man leans forward and says something that eludes the ears of the villagers. The pig "Bwee"s loudly in a frightened tone and when the boy lets go of its tusks, it meekly but hurriedly walks off, out of the village. Astonished the people of the village come forward Man: That was incredible! Man2: Amazing! Are you an animal trainer or something? The boy does not answer. He looks young - 16, maybe 17 years - and his unruly hair is kept in check by a yellow-and-black bandana. On his back he carries a large backpack with a bamboo umbrella strapped to it. He pulls out a piece of paper that apparently contains a map. As he speaks it can be seen that he has CUTE LIL' FANGS. *YAY!* [Um, sorry. I got a little over-enthusiastic there.] Boy: Where is Fuurinkan high school? A villager grabs the map and studies it. She then hands it back, shaking her head. Woman: Gomen, but that map shows nothing in this area. It looks more like Tokyo. Man: But that's five hundred miles north of here! Boy: Very well. Please forgive my intrusion. He turns back on the path and walks away without another word. The villagers look after him. Man: Now, that one's really lost. Man 2: He's walking south. ~*~ Boy: [thinks] Saotome Ranma! Soon I will find you and then you will no longer run from our man-to-man battle! ~*~ Meanwhile "Ranma"... Ranko: Are you mad? I'm not wearing your clothes! Kasumi and Nabiki have chased her down the hall and now confront a cornered Ranko who is just wearing boxers and a towel in lieu of a top. Kasumi: But all of your own clothes are in the washing. Nabiki: [inaudible] And sewing and disinfecting... Ranko: But your clothes are all so frilly and stuff. How am I supposed to *run* in those things? Kasumi: [arms akimbo] You're not. Nabiki intervenes here. Nabiki: You're not the same size anyway. Ranko, how about if you borrow an outfit from Akane? She's more your size. Ranko stops and ponders this. Reluctantly she agrees. Ranko: O-o-okay, I guess. At least she has some taste in sensible clothing. Nabiki: [inaudible] I thought you would say that. [smirks] ~*~ On a field somewhere in Hokkaido. Cows graze everywhere and a man carries buckets of milk along. The boy with the bandana approaches him with his map. Boy: Where is Fuurinkan High school? Cowherd: Well, if that's Tokyo on the map, it's five hundred miles south of here. ~*~ It is a week later, three o'clock in the afternoon, when the bandana'd boy grabs a random guy from a schoolyard and questions him. Boy: Where is Fuurinkan high school? Student: Err... The student wordlessly points over to a large sign on the wall, not five yards from the point they are standing. The sign proclaims this to be the yard of Fuurinkan High. Boy: Ahh. Thank you. Where do I find Saotome Ranma? Student: Uh, Ranma? I think he's... Oh, there he is. Over there with Akane. The boy looks to the doors of the school building. Akane and Ranma have just exited and are walking along, chatting. Akane: Ha ha, you wouldn't *believe* it! And of course she went on to tell me *in* *detail* just how wrong I was... Ranma: Ha! I *would* believe it! That's just like her, to... Suddenly Ranma freezes. Some small, half-seen movement has alerted him and he looks around, sensing impending danger. Just in time he pushes Akane back and barely manages to dodge, as the bandana boy falls from the sky, with his bamboo umbrella stretched out below him like a weapon. Boy: Ranma, prepare to die! Ranma just stares. As the umbrella impacts on the ground, tip first, only a hand's breadth next to Ranma, the ground gives way. A crater, at least a meter and a half wide, has formed at the point of impact and Ranma somersaults backwards out of range. He lands at the rim of the shallow crater and stares in disbelief. Ranma: You!? Boy: So, Ranma. Still good at running away. [pauses, stares] Wait! You're not Ranma. Ranma: Sure I am. Saotome Ranma, that's me. Boy: [narrows one eye] No. You look like him. You look a lot like him. But you're not him. You're to tall, your face is different, your voice too deep - you're not him. Ranma: But I know you! You're... You're.. He waves his pointing finger at the boy as if that could coax the forgotten name to the front of his mind. Boy: Don't strain yourself. I will leave now, [louder] but I will find the real Saotome Ranma and when I find him, he'd better be ready. Refastening his umbrella to his backpack he takes off. Ranma looks after the departing figure, the pointing finger still extended, deep in thought. Suddenly he snaps his fingers. Ranma: Ryouga. Hibiki Ryouga, that's his name. I knew him in my old high school. Akane: But why didn't he recognize you? He came looking for you... Ranma: I don't know... [slaps his forehead] Duh! Of course! [grabs Akane's hand] Come on home Akane, I'll tell you. He zooms off, dragging Akane behind him. The shaken pupils of Fuurinkan high watch as the two depart. Perhaps now the afternoon will be quiet. ~*~ The Tendou girls are listening to Ranma's tale in the living room. Kasumi is slowly laying the table for tea, while Ranma changes back to Ranko with a kettle of hot water. Ranko: It's so simple! He never saw me in boy form. Nabiki: But you said he came asking for Saotome *Ranma*. Ranko: Well... I was using that name even before I was cursed! Akane: Huh? Ranko: Back when I was a girl 365 days a year. I met him in our class in the boys' school. Akane and Nabiki gasp and move back in horror. Girls: Boys' School?! -- End of part 10. Part 11: "Quit acting like a girl" Sitting around the table in the Tendou living room, the girls are shocked to learn about Ranko's past. Nabiki: You went to a *boys'* school? Ranko: I *told* you that I grew up as a boy. You think pop would send me to a girls' school? No way. I put on a boy's school uniform and nobody noticed. Akane: But surely, when you grew... [waves a hand vaguely at Ranko's breasts] um, grew up, people would notice. Ranko: Nothing I couldn't hide. I'm sure nobody ever found out. I also changed schools a lot - we were always moving. Kasumi: Always on training trips? Ranko: Uh, yeah! Training trips, that's right. Anyway, last year, right before we went to China, I was at the same school as Ryouga... Flashback to the time of Ranko's narration. In a hall of the school building the floor vibrates. A horde of boys are running down the hall at break-neck speed. They all are trying to reach the cafeteria first. Boy: Hurry! If we are late all the good food will be gone! And really - shortly after the crowd arrives at the outlet the curry bread already runs out. As the last one is thrown out, all arms stretch up to catch it. Suddenly one figure rises above the crowd as if propelled by a rocket backpack. It is Ranko. Her face is unmistakably the same, but she wears a boy's uniform and her female curves are strangely absent. She grabs the flying bread, uses someone else's head as a landing point and jumps clear of the crowd. Ranko: Ha! It's mine. A figure disentangles itself from the mass of boys. It is Ryouga, sans bandana but also in a school uniform. Two footprints on his head identify him as the victim of Ranko's jumping technique. Ryouga: Who are you?! Ranko: Saotome Ranma. Ryouga: Saotome Ranma. This offense shall not go unavenged. Ranko (voiceover): He was crying tears of bitterness. After that it became sort of a competition. There was the Chow Mein Bread. Ryouga and Ranko are both jumping at the flying bun. Ranko catches it in her mouth, booting Ryouga in the process. Ranko (voiceover): The Croquette Bread... Oh, and the Melon Bread... The same scene in many variations replays itself. Always Ranko walks away with the food. Ranko (voiceover): and the Cutlet Sandwich... and the Meat Bread... Back in the Tendou living room Kasumi pours the tea for everyone. Nabiki frowns and Akane just stares in disbelief as Ranko comes up with still more instances. Ranko: And the seaweed bread and the... Kasumi: Perhaps this went on a few times too often. Akane: What are you going to do about it, Ranko? Ranko: What can I do? I'll have to show him the Ranma he is looking for and settle this once and for all. ~*~ The next morning Akane helps Ranko to dress up for her meeting with Ryouga. Ranko: Yes. [holds up a long breadth of cloth] I knew I still had it somewhere. Akane: OK, and what do we do with it? Ranko: Just hold it here. Ranko places the end on the strip on her back and Akane holds it in place. Ranko then begins to wind the cloth tightly around her chest, forming a makeshift corset that binds her breasts flat. Akane: Oh. That's how you did it? Isn't that terribly uncomfortable? Ranko makes a face. Ranko: Yeah. Especially now that I haven't done this for some time. [takes a breath as deep as she can] OK, I guess now Ryouga will recognize me. She pulls on her usual Chinese clothes, picks up her bag and the two are off to school. ~*~ Later that day in the afternoon pupils gather on the grass surrounding the sports ground. Boy: Hey, come here. I think there's going to be a fight. Ranko and Ryouga are standing, facing each other. Ryouga: So, Ranma. Are you finally through with running? Ranko: Stuff it Ryouga! What're you talking about - I never ran from you. Ryouga: Then what about our match in the empty lot? Where were you then? Ranko: I was *there* you moron! I waited three *days* for you to turn up. Ryouga: And when I arrived there on the fourth day you had chickened out; run away to China with your father. Ranko: Ryouga... How did you manage to be four days late for a match that took place less than 500 yards from your own door? Ryouga: [fuming] Do you think I just wasted my time during those four days? I suffered to get to the place! Images flash up showing Ryouga asking his way to the main street that connected his house with the appointed meeting place. Some of the places he went do not even lie close to his hometown. Ranko: Boy, if you haven't got the world's worst sense of direction... If you can't keep a date for a challenge, why the hell are you going around *setting* one?! Ryouga: You insulted me more than enough! Ranko: Oh, yeah. That reminds me. [pulls out a package] Here. She throws the package to Ryouga who catches it. It's a curry bread. Ryouga: What's this? Ranko: The same thing as this... and this... and this... She throws him package after package of bread products until his arms are full. Ranko: This is a "bread feud", right? I didn't mean to take all that from you. Are we even now? Ryouga lets the breads drop to the ground, shaking. Ryouga: Do you think that a few pieces of bread can repair what I have suffered through? Because of you [puts the backpack down and pulls the umbrella from it] I have seen hell! He jabs at Ranko, astonishingly dexterous with the unwieldy thing. Ranko evades each jab by stepping backwards. Ranko: Wait a minute. You've still not clearly said what this is all about. Ryouga: Quit acting like a girl and take your punishment for my humiliation! Ranko's face becomes set. She stops walking backwards, sidesteps Ryouga's next jab and kicks his wrist, sending the umbrella flying out of his outstretched hand. Ryouga assumes a basic fighting stance as Ranko advances. Ranko: So. I'm acting like a girl when I wanna know why you attack me, huh? And girls don't fight, do they? I guess, girls spend all their day playing dolls and crying, eh? How about *this* then for a little girlishness?! A crunching kick to the jaw sends Ryouga staggering backwards. ~*~ Meanwhile Akane has gone over to Ryouga's umbrella. It has made another crater where it landed and two boys are trying to pick it up. Boy: God! That umbrella is heavy! I can't even move it. Boy2: It must weigh tons! Akane grabs the handle but only manages to lift it a few centimeters. She cannot pick it up. Before her mind's eye flash the pictures of Ryouga wielding the weight singlehandedly. Akane: [thinks] And Ranko is fighting him! I must warn her. She runs down towards the fighting ground and calls out. Akane: Ran... Ranma! Don't stay close in with him! He has the strength of a monster! Ranko is distracted for a moment by Akane. Ryouga quickly grabs his bandana and catches Ranko's wrist with it like a whip. Ryouga: Heh, I guess you won't have a choice about staying close in. Ranko looks at the tie trapping her wrist and then at Ryouga who is still wearing an identical bandana. Ranko: Say, Ryouga, how many of them are you wearing? Ryouga: Is that all you have to say? Then I'd better be fast about shutting you up for good. He throws a punch at Ranko that would probably have disconnected her head - if she had been there. Thrown off balance by the force of his own punch into thin air, Ryouga teeters forward. He is met by both of Ranko's feet coming straight up, connecting with his chest. Ranko had dropped down to avoid his fist. Balancing on her free hand she has brought up her legs in a full-body blow. The force of the impact sends Ryouga flying high into the air. He lets go of the bandana in the process and Ranko frees herself of it. She jumps after him over the fence of the sports ground. A few seconds later a giant fountain of water erupts from there. Boy: Water! They've blown a hole into the ground! Boy2: Worse. They've smashed the water fountain. All are running to see the action. Among them is Akane. Akane: [thinks] Uh oh! Cold water. I wonder what happened there. -- End of part 11. Part 12: "She doesn't hide her feelings" Hibiki Ryouga is flying backwards over the fence of Fuurinkan High's sports ground. He falls towards the water fountain, but is able to land on his feet on it. Close after him Ranko - still disguised as a boy - jumps over the fence. She descends upon the water fountain with her leg outstretched and smashes it. A giant stream of water fountains up from the wreckage. Ryouga who has jumped away to avoid Ranko's kick manages to evade the water, but Ranko is caught full in the face and is carried upwards. Carefully Ryouga circles the spouting fountain. But on the other side he does not find his opponent. Instead he finds the stranger he saw yesterday, claiming to be Saotome Ranma. The boy is on his knees, his mouth is open and the eyes bugging out. He seems to have trouble breathing. He claws at his shirt, ripping it open. Under it is a curious bandage around his chest. After a few frantic attempts the boy finally manages to rip it open. He takes deep, gasping, relieved breaths. Ranma: [mutters] Damn! Almost broke my ribs, that thing. Realization dawns on Ryouga. Ryouga: You... you're *really* Ranma? Ranma: I told you so. For some reason this makes Ryouga *very* mad and he attacks in indescribable fury. Ranma has a hard time just blocking and dodging, not to speak of landing any blows himself. A hard kick to his shoulder sends him flying backwards. He somersaults and lands on his feet. Ranma sees Ryouga taking of more bandanas - he is holding four of them in his hands. He begins twirling them faster and faster. Ryouga: What cruel irony that you should be cursed to take this form, almost the same as your own. [roars] As if my fate was not cruel enough! With a flick of his wrist he sends the rotating bandanas flying towards Ranma. The pieces of cloth are spinning so fast that they possess a razor-sharp edge. Just in that moment Akane appears carrying a kettle of hot water. One of the whizzing cloth shuriken cuts open the sleeve of her blouse, luckily not injuring her. She is so distracted by it that she momentarily forgets to look where she steps and trips over a tree root. The Kettle goes flying and the water splashes all over Ranma who is running towards the fallen Akane. Ranko does not pay any attention to her transformation and kneels down next to Akane, helping her up. Ranko: Akane! Are you all right? What about your arm? Akane: [out of breath] Yes. Yes, I just stumbled. My arm is okay. Ryouga takes off his cloth belt and begins to twirl it like his bandanas. He advances toward Ranko and Akane. Ryouga: Run away again, will you? Ranko whips around with a look of absolute fury on her face. She roars at Ryouga. Ranko: Ryouga you damn madman!! Don't you have a single shred of honour in you? You could have hurt Akane! Ryouga freezes, completely astonished. This is partly because of the force of Ranko's explosion, but mostly because her ripped shirt gives him a good view of her breasts. Ryouga: Ra... Ranma?? Ranko: What is it?! Ryouga lets go of his belt in shock. It is shooting straight up into the sky. Ryouga's shaking finger points at Ranko's chest. Ryouga: You... your... Ranko: My what? Akane is carefully standing up. Akane: I think he has just noticed that you are really a girl. Ranko looks down herself and notices the sight she offers. Blushing she closes her shirt by the remaining buttons. Ryouga: All this time... you were a girl? Ranko: What are you going to make of it? Ryouga: I-I can't fight you like that. Ranko: You didn't have any reservations a moment ago. Ryouga: But... you're a girl. I can't hit a girl. Ranko: [accusingly] Akane is a girl, too. You didn't seem to care a lot whether *she* was injured during our fight. [turns] Come, Akane, let's leave this moron. She takes Akane's arm, supporting the limping girl as they make their way leaving the dumbfounded Ryouga standing where he is. Suddenly a whizzing sound catches Ranko's attention. She looks up and sees the belt returning to earth, headed right for them. Just in time she manages to swing Akane out of the way - but not *completely* in time. The rotating cloth blade descends mere centimeters behind Akane's back. Her body is not hurt by it but... Akane's hair is cut off. The other students arrive just in time to witness the catastrophe and gasp in shock. Silently the sheared hairpiece settles to the ground at Akane's feet. Akane just stands and stares. Ranko is standing right in front of her, but Akane's gaze seems to go right through her. A classmate calls out to her. Girl: A... Akane? Ranko waves her hand before Akane's eyes, but elicits no response. Ranko: She's in shock. Girl: What do you expect?! Seen in public with such a haircut - Any girl would be lucky not to *die* of shame. Girl2: You should know that. Who are you anyway? Didn't I see you here at school once? Ranko: What does that matter? Akane is what's important. Ryouga: Well, she's not injured. Ranko: She wasn't hurt, but her hair went away! [turns to Akane] Akane, I'm sorry. This was my fight and you were hurt. If it is any consolation, you can hit me. Ryouga: That goes for me, too. Don't hold back. ~*~ As Akane silently shuffles away, Ranko and Ryouga double over and fall first to their knees and then to the ground, felled by two steam-hammer punches. Ryouga: Urrr... She doesn't hide her feelings, does she? -- End of part 12. Part 13: "You're not cute" At the Tendou Dojo Akane sits in her room and stares out of the window at nothing. She ponders the freak accident that cut off her hair today and the events that led her to let it grow. Flashback to a scene before Dr. Toufuu's clinic. Akane is years younger - a child of 12 perhaps, probably younger. She is dressed even more tomboyish than she is usually now and her hair is short. She has patch of band-aids on her cheek and smiles at a young Dr. Toufuu's antics with Betty-chan the skeleton. Dr. Toufuu: That should do it, Akane. Take care of yourself Voice: Oh, Akane. Akane: [turns] Ah, Hi, Kasumi. Kasumi, also, is younger. She is a girl approaching the age Akane has now and is dressed in the same school uniform. Already she is very sweet-looking and has an obvious effect on Toufuu-sensei. He freezes up while the skeleton in his hands begins to rattle and fidget. Kasumi: Were you fighting again? [to Dr. Toufuu] I really must apologize for my sister again, Dr. Toufuu. Dr. Toufuu: Oh, yes, um, well, really, it's uh, nothing. Little Akane is saddened by Toufuu-sensei's reaction to Kasumi's appearance. Akane: [thinks] Oh, sensei. Kasumi takes little Akane by the hand and leaves. Kasumi: Akane, you're acting just like a boy. If you don't learn to act like a girl, Toufuu-sensei will come to dislike you. Akane: [thinks] Perhaps he'll like me like Kasumi if I let my hair grow like hers. Flashback ends. Akane is snapped out of her reverie into the present by the sound of knocking on the glass. She looks up and sees an upside down Ranko looking in at her with a concerned expression. She shifts open the window and leans out to her. Ranko is hanging from a roof beam outside the house by her feet. Ranko: Um, Akane? Are you still angry with me? Akane: I wasn't really angry with you. [pauses] But you deserved that hit just for going and fighting with Ryouga like that. You don't have to cheer me up - I'm not crying my eyes out, you know? She closes the window and leaves the room. Ranko keeps hanging and looks after her. ~*~ Kasumi is preparing dinner in the kitchen, tasting from the pots here and there. Kasumi: Hmmm, delicious. Akane enters the room and Kasumi turns with a pan in her hand, continuing to stir. Kasumi: Oh, Akane, you're ba... Kasumi freezes. The smile on her face remains, but the pan begins to drop from her hand. Ranko zooms into the room and catches it before it hits the ground and spills. Kasumi: What happened to your hair? Ranko: Err, It's sorta my fau... Akane: [interrupts] I just felt like a change. Will you cut it in shape for me, sis? ~*~ Ranko is sitting on the roof of the Dojo, thinking about Akane's seeming indifference. Akane (remembered): I'm not crying my eyes out, you know. Akane (remembered): I just felt like a change. Ranko: [thinks] That's strange. She seemed devastated at first. I'll try to talk to her again. ~*~ But Ranko finds only Kasumi still in the house. Kasumi: Akane went to the Chiropractor. She said she hurt her ankle. Did that happen at school? ~*~ Ranko runs along the fence again. She spies a figure in school uniform a little down the road and overtakes her. But the girl looks unfamiliar at a quick glance. Ranko: Sorry, my mistake. [begins to turn] Girl: Looking for somebody? Ranko does a double take. Ranko: [incredulously] Akane?!? Akane: What's with the astonished face? [fingers her new haircut] It looks better now, thanks to Kasumi, doesn't it? And it does look better. Not only better than the cut she received from Ryouga's rotating belt, but even better that her former long hairstyle. The short hair shows off her face and gives her a certain boyish charm that so suits her behavior. Ranko is silent for a moment. Ranko: I-I'm sorry for what happened. Akane: You don't have to keep apologizing. [she continues on her way] I wasn't lying when I said I felt like a change. I *did* think of getting it cut. Just not that abruptly and in such a manner. Ranko: What about your ankle? Should I help you? Akane: It just hurts sometimes when I put my foot down. I'll let the doctor have a look, that's all. ~*~ Entering Dr. Toufuu's clinic they are greeted by Genma in panda form and the doctor himself. Dr. Toufuu: Why, hello Akane. Ranko. Akane: Good afternoon Doctor. Today I'm the patient for a change. [smiles] Dr. Toufuu: Not the only change. You cut it short again? Akane: Yes. Ranko: [thinks] Again? The doctor examines Akane's foot while she is sitting on the edge of a stretcher. Dr. Toufuu: It's just a light sprain, apparently. Akane: Sensei? Dr. Toufuu: [looks up] Hmm? Akane: [fondles her hair] Do... Do you think it suits me? Dr. Toufuu: Oh, yes, it's cute! Short hair is a lot more like you. [looks down at her foot again] I didn't want to say it then, but I always wondered why you let it grow. He works silently for a moment. Suddenly a drop falls onto Akane's foot and he looks up at her face. He is astonished to see that, although she is smiling at him, tears run down her face. Dr. Toufuu: Did that hurt? I'm sorry... Akane: No... it's... I'm sorry, It's not that. I can't seem to stop... The Doctor sits down next to her on the stretcher and lays a sympathetic arm around her shoulder. She looks at him, looking down at her with a fatherly smile. Dr. Toufuu: What's wrong, Akane-chan? Akane's lips quiver. Suddenly she lets go of herself. Akane: Oh, sensei! She grabs his shirt and leans her head against his chest, letting her tears flow freely. Silently Ranko forces her father to leave the room with her. She glances back over her shoulder at the puzzled Dr. Toufuu who is holding the sobbing Akane close. ~*~ It is already evening and the shadows are long as Ranko and Akane walk home. Akane's eyes are still slightly red and swollen. Ranko is silent, unsure of what to say. Akane takes a deep breath of the evening air. Akane: [sighs] It's true - It *does* you good to cry. She notices Ranko's uneasiness and turns. Ranko is sitting on top of a garden wall. Akane: What is it? Ranko: I dunno, I'm confused. He finally said you're cute. I thought you'd like that, but... Akane: Oh. I'm sorry, but it all just came together for me in that moment. They begin to walk again - Ranko on the walls and fences, Akane on the ground. Akane seems somehow relieved. Akane: I mean, how he liked Kasumi better than me, and how I let my hair grow to be more like Kasumi and everything. I realized all that some time ago now, but I didn't *feel* it until today. It's OK now. I guess that was necessary to get over it all. And over him. She smiles a wistful little smile. Ranko is sitting crouched on the canal fence. Ranko: You know, it was a lie, anyway. Akane: What? Ranko: That you look cute. Akane frowns and begins to look angry. Ranko grins down at her. Ranko: It's true. You're not cute - you're beautiful. Akane looks stunned. She just stands and stares at Ranko. Suddenly she reaches out and tips her over into the water canal. Ranma surfaces coughing and spitting water. Ranma: Hey! Whaddaya doin' that for? Akane grins down at him. Akane: We-e-ell, I thought, If I'm getting a compliment, it may just as well come from a boy. Ranma: [grins] O-hoo! You just got over him and already you are looking for boys to flirt with you? Akane: I thought I'd better start small and begin with a half-boy. Ranma: [shaking a finger at her] What do you think will happen when this half-boy gets his fingers on you? Akane: [playing sweet] I guess I'll have to listen to our parents and marry him! Ranma makes that funky Takahashi shock gesture with his index and little fingers extended and takes a step back in mock horror. But he's grinning, inwardly relieved that Akane now takes that stupid engagement less serious. Ranma: Erk! I'll have to make sure that I don't catch you, then. He jumps out of the canal and over the fence. Akane has already started running. She calls back over her shoulder. Akane: Ha! As if you ever could! Ranma: Ha ha! Just you wait! Laughing and running they make their way home in the orange light of the setting sun. -- End of part 13. Acknowledgement: The series _Ranma ½_ and its characters, on which this work is based, are copyright © by Takahashi Rumiko. The text also draws on the English adaptation of above series, copyright © by Viz Communications, Inc. Both infringements are perpetrated in the full knowledge that the above parties can now legally sue my pants off. I, the author, hope that this work is seen as what it was meant to be: a tribute to what I consider to be one of the best manga series in existence. I wish to thank everybody who reads this for their time. You make me very happy. Also thanks to everybody on the Fanfic Mailing List, who commented on the installments, as I sent them there - particularly Zen, my #1 reader. :) Do not hesitate to mail me about anything you want to say or ask about these stories. My e-address is Sebastian.